
Eduardo Carrillo

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5EEJ. Javier Samper, Vicente R. Tomás, Eduardo Carrillo, Rogério Patricio Chagas do Nascimento: Visualization of Ontologies to Specify Semantic Descriptions of Services. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 20(1): 130-134 (2008)
4 Rogério Patricio Chagas do Nascimento, Amine Berqia, Patricio Serendero, Eduardo Carrillo: Proceedings of the 2007 Euro American conference on Telematics and Information Systems, EATIS 2007, Faro, Portugal, May 14-17, 2007 EATIS 2007
3 J. Javier Samper, Vicente R. Tomás López, Eduardo Carrillo, Rogério Patricio Chagas do Nascimento, Juan José Martínez: Integrating Ontologies Visualization with the Edition of Profiles in Semantic Web Services: "OntoService". iiWAS 2006: 29-38
2 Eduardo Carrillo, Juan José Martínez-Durá: Proposal of Generalized Architecture for Multiplatform Development of Mobile and Voice Enabled Web Applications. iiWAS 2004
1 Eduardo Carrillo, Carlos Eduardo Rios, Ana Lorena Uribe, Ismail Khalil Ibrahim, Juan José Martínez-Durá: Proposal of an Integrated Computational Environment for Editing Pervasive Portals. iiWAS 2004

Coauthor Index

1Amine Berqia [4]
2Ismail Khalil Ibrahim [1]
3Vicente R. Tomás López [3]
4Juan José Martínez [3]
5Juan José Martínez-Durá [1] [2]
6Rogério Patricio Chagas do Nascimento [3] [4] [5]
7Carlos Eduardo Rios [1]
8J. Javier Samper [3] [5]
9Patricio Serendero [4]
10Vicente R. Tomás [5]
11Ana Lorena Uribe [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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