
Angeles Carmona

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12EEEnrique Bendito, Angeles Carmona, Andrés M. Encinas: Boundary value problems on weighted networks. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(18): 3443-3463 (2008)
11EEEnrique Bendito, Angeles Carmona, Andrés M. Encinas, J. M. Gesto: Regular two-point boundary value problems for the Schrödinger operator on a path. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 28: 199-206 (2007)
10EEEnrique Bendito, Angeles Carmona, Andrés M. Encinas: Solving Dirichlet and Poisson problems on graphs by means of equilibrium measures. Eur. J. Comb. 24(4): 365-375 (2003)
9 Camino Balbuena, Angeles Carmona: On the Connectivity and Superconnectivity of Bipartite Digraphs and Graphs. Ars Comb. 61: (2001)
8EEAngeles Carmona, Enrique Bendito, Andrés M. Encinas: Equilibrium Measures on Finite Networks: Effective Resistance and Hitting Time. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 10: 68-71 (2001)
7EEEnrique Bendito, Angeles Carmona, Andrés M. Encinas: Shortest Paths in Distance-regular Graphs. Eur. J. Comb. 21(2): 153-166 (2000)
6EECamino Balbuena, Angeles Carmona, Josep Fàbrega, Miguel Angel Fiol: Superconnectivity of bipartite digraphs and graphs. Discrete Mathematics 197-198: 61-75 (1999)
5EEAngeles Carmona, Josep Fàbrega: On the superconnectivity and the conditional diameter of graphs and digraphs. Networks 34(3): 197-205 (1999)
4EECamino Balbuena, Angeles Carmona, Josep Fàbrega, Miguel Angel Fiol: Extraconnectivity of graphs with large minimum degree and girth. Discrete Mathematics 167-168: 85-100 (1997)
3EEM. C. Balbuena, Angeles Carmona, Josep Fàbrega, Miguel Angel Fiol: On the order and size of s-geodetic digraphs with given connectivity. Discrete Mathematics 174(1-3): 19-27 (1997)
2EEM. C. Balbuena, Angeles Carmona, Josep Fàbrega, Miguel Angel Fiol: Connectivity of large bipartite digraphs and graphs. Discrete Mathematics 174(1-3): 3-17 (1997)
1EECamino Balbuena, Angeles Carmona, Josep Fàbrega, Miguel Angel Fiol: On the connectivity and the conditional diameter of graphs and digraphs. Networks 28(2): 97-105 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Camino Balbuena (M. C. Balbuena) [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [9]
2Enrique Bendito [7] [8] [10] [11] [12]
3Andrés M. Encinas [7] [8] [10] [11] [12]
4Josep Fàbrega [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
5Miguel Angel Fiol [1] [2] [3] [4] [6]
6J. M. Gesto [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)