
Steinar Carlsen

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3EESteinar Carlsen, Reidar Gjersvik: Organizational metaphors as lenses for analyzing workflow technology. GROUP 1997: 261-270
2EEJohn Krogstie, Steinar Carlsen: An Integrated Modelling Approach for Process Support. HICSS (2) 1997: 189-198
1EESteinar Carlsen, John Krogstie, Odd Ivar Lindland: Evaluating Flexible Workflow Systems. HICSS (2) 1997: 230-239

Coauthor Index

1Reidar Gjersvik [3]
2John Krogstie [1] [2]
3Odd Ivar Lindland [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)