
Felipe Cariño

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9EEFelipe Cariño, Pekka Kostamaa, Art Kaufmann, John Burgess: StorHouse Metanoia - New Applications for Database, Storage & Data Warehousing. SIGMOD Conference 2001: 521-531
8 Felipe Cariño, John Burgess: StorHouse/Relational Manager (RM) - Active Storage Hierarchy Database System and Applications. IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems 2000: 179-186
7EEWilliam O'Connell, Felipe Cariño, G. Linderman: Optimizer and Parallel Engine Extensions for Handling Expensive Methods Based on Large Objects. ICDE 1999: 304-313
6EEFelipe Cariño, William O'Connell, John Burgess, Joel H. Saltz: Active Storage Hierarchy, Database Systems and Applications - Socratic Exegesis. VLDB 1999: 611-614
5EEFelipe Cariño, Mark Jahnke: Bank of America Case Study: The Information Currency Advantage. VLDB 1998: 641-644
4EEFelipe Cariño, William O'Connell: Plan-Per-Tuple Optimization Solution - Parallel Execution of Expensive User-Defined Functions. VLDB 1998: 690-695
3EEAndrew Witkowski, Felipe Cariño, Pekka Kostamaa: NCR 3700 - The Next-Generation Industrial Database Computer. VLDB 1993: 230-243
2 Felipe Cariño, Pekka Kostamaa: Exegesis of DBC/1012 and P-90 - Industrial Supercomputer Database Machines. PARLE 1992: 877-892
1EEPaul G. Sorenson, Felipe Cariño, Jnan R. Dash, Patricia G. Selinger: Database Management in the Year 2000: Projections and Star Gazing (Panel). VLDB 1992: 223

Coauthor Index

1John Burgess [6] [8] [9]
2Jnan R. Dash [1]
3Mark Jahnke [5]
4Art Kaufmann [9]
5Pekka Kostamaa [2] [3] [9]
6G. Linderman [7]
7William O'Connell [4] [6] [7]
8Joel H. Saltz [6]
9Patricia G. Selinger [1]
10Paul G. Sorenson [1]
11Andrew Witkowski [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)