
Davide Caramella

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6EESeong K. Mun, Fred Prior, Davide Caramella, Osman Ratib: Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on Image Management in the Healthcare Enterprise. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 11(1): 1-6 (2007)
5EEFranco Alberto Cardillo, Antonina Starita, Davide Caramella, A. Cilotti: A tool for breast MR images processing and classification. ISBI 2002: 181-184
4 S. La Manna, Darya Majidi, Antonina Starita, Davide Caramella, A. Cilotti: Magnetic resonance in mammography: a tool for the automatic detection of the regions of interest in contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance of the breast. CARS 2001: 1275-1276
3 Davide Caramella, A. Cilotti, M. Moretti, L. Melai, S. La Manna, Darya Majidi, C. Starita: A CAD System for the Automatic Detection of Breast Multifocal Cancer at MR-Mammography. EuroPACS 2000: 191
2 Davide Caramella, S. Giordano, R. Dell'Osso, Claudio Petri: An Advanced IP based Telemedicine Trial Supporting Quality of Service for Multimedia Teleconsulting. EuroPACS 2000: 239-245
1 Emanuele Neri, Jean-Philippe Thiran, Davide Caramella, Claudio Petri, Carlo Bartolozzi, Bruno Piscaglia, Benoit M. Macq, Thierry Duprez, Guy Cosnard, Baudouin Maldague, Johan De Pauw: Interactive DICOM image transmission and telediagnosis over the European ATM network. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 2(1): 35-38 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Carlo Bartolozzi [1]
2Franco Alberto Cardillo [5]
3A. Cilotti [3] [4] [5]
4Guy Cosnard [1]
5R. Dell'Osso [2]
6Thierry Duprez [1]
7S. Giordano [2]
8Benoit M. Macq (Benoît Macq) [1]
9Darya Majidi [3] [4]
10Baudouin Maldague [1]
11S. La Manna [3] [4]
12L. Melai [3]
13M. Moretti [3]
14Seong K. Mun [6]
15Emanuele Neri [1]
16Johan De Pauw [1]
17Claudio Petri [1] [2]
18Bruno Piscaglia [1]
19Fred Prior [6]
20Osman Ratib [6]
21Antonina Starita [4] [5]
22C. Starita [3]
23Jean-Philippe Thiran [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)