
Andrea Caponnetto

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10EEAndrea Caponnetto, Ernesto De Vito: Optimal Rates for the Regularized Least-Squares Algorithm. Foundations of Computational Mathematics 7(3): 331-368 (2007)
9EEAndrea Caponnetto, Steve Smale: Risk Bounds for Random Regression Graphs. Foundations of Computational Mathematics 7(4): 495-528 (2007)
8EEAlexander Rakhlin, Andrea Caponnetto: Stability of $K$-Means Clustering. NIPS 2006: 1121-1128
7EEAndrea Caponnetto, Alexander Rakhlin: Stability Properties of Empirical Risk Minimization over Donsker Classes. Journal of Machine Learning Research 6: 2565-2583 (2006)
6EEAndrea Caponnetto, Lorenzo Rosasco, Francesca Odone, Alessandro Verri: Support vector algorithms as regularization networks. ESANN 2005: 595-600
5EEErnesto De Vito, Andrea Caponnetto, Lorenzo Rosasco: Model Selection for Regularized Least-Squares Algorithm in Learning Theory. Foundations of Computational Mathematics 5(1): 59-85 (2005)
4EEErnesto De Vito, Lorenzo Rosasco, Andrea Caponnetto, Umberto De Giovannini, Francesca Odone: Learning from Examples as an Inverse Problem. Journal of Machine Learning Research 6: 883-904 (2005)
3EELorenzo Rosasco, Andrea Caponnetto, Ernesto De Vito, Francesca Odone, Umberto De Giovannini: Learning, Regularization and Ill-Posed Inverse Problems. NIPS 2004
2EEErnesto De Vito, Lorenzo Rosasco, Andrea Caponnetto, Michele Piana, Alessandro Verri: Some Properties of Regularized Kernel Methods Journal of Machine Learning Research 5: 1363-1390 (2004)
1EELorenzo Rosasco, Ernesto De Vito, Andrea Caponnetto, Michele Piana, Alessandro Verri: Are Loss Functions All the Same?. Neural Computation 16(5): 1063-107 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Umberto De Giovannini [3] [4]
2Francesca Odone [3] [4] [6]
3Michele Piana [1] [2]
4Alexander Rakhlin [7] [8]
5Lorenzo Rosasco [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
6Steve Smale [9]
7Alessandro Verri [1] [2] [6]
8Ernesto De Vito [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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