
Charles R. Cantor

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5EECharles R. Cantor: Enhancements in sequence analysis with DNA arrays (abstract). RECOMB 1998: 50
4 Charles R. Cantor, Takeshi Sano, Natalie E. Broude, Cassandra L. Smith: Parallel Processing in DNA Analysis. IRREGULAR 1995: 171-185
3 Takashi Ito, Cassandra L. Smith, Charles R. Cantor: Triplex affinity capture of a single copy clone from a yeast genomic library. Nucleic Acids Research 20(13): 3524 (1992)
2 J. F. Cheng, Cassandra L. Smith, Charles R. Cantor: Structural and transcriptional analysis of a human subtelomeric repeat. Nucleic Acids Research 19(1): 149-154 (1991)
1 J. P. Schreiber, N. Hsiung, Charles R. Cantor: Fluorescence studies of the accessibility of the 3' ends of the ribosomal RNAs in Escherichia coli ribosomes and subunits. Nucleic Acids Research 6(1): 181-193 (1979)

Coauthor Index

1Natalie E. Broude [4]
2J. F. Cheng [2]
3N. Hsiung [1]
4Takashi Ito [3]
5Takeshi Sano [4]
6J. P. Schreiber [1]
7Cassandra L. Smith [2] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)