
Scott R. Cannon

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4EEScott R. Cannon, Delroy A. Brinkerhof: A Stable Distributed Tuple Space. HICSS (1) 1996: 22-30
3 Scott R. Cannon, David Dunn: Adding Fault-tolerant Transaction Processing to LINDA. Softw., Pract. Exper. 24(5): 449-466 (1994)
2EEAngela B. Shiflet, Scott R. Cannon, Terry J. Frederick, Janet Hartman, Marsha Meredith, Chris Nevison, Dean Sanders: Approaches to teaching parallel processing on the undergraduate level (abstract). SIGCSE 1993: 298
1 Scott R. Cannon: Experience with a Tuple-Space Approach for Parallel Compilation of LR Languages. ICPP (2) 1992: 218-225

Coauthor Index

1Delroy A. Brinkerhof [4]
2David Dunn [3]
3Terry J. Frederick [2]
4Janet Hartman [2]
5Marsha Meredith [2]
6Christopher H. Nevison (Chris Nevison) [2]
7Dean Sanders [2]
8Angela B. Shiflet [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)