
Richard Canham

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9EERichard Canham, Alexander H. Jackson, Andrew M. Tyrrell: Robot Error Detection Using an Artificial Immune System. Evolvable Hardware 2003: 209-217
8EERichard Canham, Andrew M. Tyrrell: An Embryonic Array with Improved Efficiency and Fault Tolerance. Evolvable Hardware 2003: 275-282
7EEAlexander H. Jackson, Richard Canham, Andrew M. Tyrrell: Robot Fault-Tolerance Using an Embryonic Array. Evolvable Hardware 2003: 91-100
6EEGianluca Tempesti, Daniel Roggen, Eduardo Sanchez, Yann Thoma, Richard Canham, Andrew M. Tyrrell: Ontogenetic Development and Fault Tolerance in the POEtic Tissue. ICES 2003: 141-152
5EERichard Canham, Andrew M. Tyrrell: A Learning, Multi-layered, Hardware Artificial Immune System Implemented upon an Embryonic Array. ICES 2003: 174-185
4EERichard Canham, Andrew M. Tyrrell: A Hardware Artificial Immune System and Embryonic Array for Fault Tolerant Systems. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 4(4): 359-382 (2003)
3EERichard Canham, Stephen L. Smith, Andrew M. Tyrrell: Automated Scoring of a Neuropsychological Test: The Rey Osterrieth Complex Figure. EUROMICRO 2000: 2406-2413
2EERichard Canham, Stephen L. Smith, Andrew M. Tyrrell: Recognition and Grading of Severely Distorted Geometric Shapes from within a Complex Figure. Pattern Anal. Appl. 3(4): 335-347 (2000)
1EERichard Canham, Stephen L. Smith, Andrew M. Tyrrell: Parallel Approaches to the Segmentation of Free-Hand Drawings. EUROMICRO 1996: 537-

Coauthor Index

1Alexander H. Jackson [7] [9]
2Daniel Roggen [6]
3Eduardo Sanchez [6]
4Stephen L. Smith [1] [2] [3]
5Gianluca Tempesti [6]
6Yann Thoma [6]
7Andrew M. Tyrrell (Andy M. Tyrrell) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)