
Stefano Campadello

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7EEStefano Campadello: The Green Card Protocol: An Identification Protocol for Decentralized Systems. WOWMOM 2006: 647-651
6 Stefano Campadello, Ronan MacLaverty, Titos Saridakis: Security and reliability challenges in component-based software for consumer devices. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering 2004: 692-700
5 Michael Przybilski, Stefano Campadello, Titos Saridakis: Mobile, on demand access of service-annotated 3D maps. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering 2004: 719-725
4EEStefano Campadello: Peer-to-Peer Security in Mobile Devices: A User Perspective. Peer-to-Peer Computing 2004: 252-257
3 Heikki Helin, Stefano Campadello: Providing Messaging Interoperability in FIPA Communication Architecture. DAIS 2001: 121-126
2EEStefano Campadello: Dynamic Composition of Execution Environment for Adaptive Nomadic Applications. MATA 2001: 73-80
1EEStefano Campadello, Oskari Koskimies, Kimmo E. E. Raatikainen, Heikki Helin: Wireless Java RMI. EDOC 2000: 114-123

Coauthor Index

1Heikki Helin [1] [3]
2Oskari Koskimies [1]
3Ronan MacLaverty [6]
4Michael Przybilski [5]
5Kimmo E. E. Raatikainen [1]
6Titos Saridakis [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)