
Daniel Antonio Callegari

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3EEDaniel Antonio Callegari, Ricardo Melo Bastos: A Multi-criteria Resource Selection Method for Software Projects Using Fuzzy Logic. ICEIS 2009: 376-388
2 Daniel Antonio Callegari, Maurício Covolan Rosito, Marcelo Blois Ribeiro, Ricardo Melo Bastos: An Integrated Model for Managerial and Productive Activities in Software Development. ICEIS (1) 2008: 25-32
1 Daniel Antonio Callegari, Flávio Moreira de Oliveira: Applying Reinforcement Learning to Improve MCOE, an Intelligent Learning Environment for Ecology. MICAI 2000: 284-293

Coauthor Index

1Ricardo Melo Bastos [2] [3]
2Flávio Moreira de Oliveira [1]
3Marcelo Blois Ribeiro [2]
4Maurício Covolan Rosito [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)