
Jean Caelen

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13EEThana Sukvaree, Asanee Kawtrakul, Jean Caelen: Thai Text Coherence Structuring with Coordinating and Subordinating Relations for Text Summarization. CONTEXT 2007: 453-466
12EEVladimir Popescu, Jean Caelen, Corneliu Burileanu: Logic-Based Rhetorical Structuring for Natural Language Generation in Human-Computer Dialogue. TSD 2007: 309-317
11EEGuillaume Thomann, Jean Caelen, Morgan Verdier, Brigitte Meillon: Mise en place de scénarios pour la conception d'outils en Chirurgie Minimalement Invasive CoRR abs/0711.2239: (2007)
10EEGuillaume Piolle, Yves Demazeau, Jean Caelen: Privacy Management in User-Centred Multi-agent Systems. ESAW 2006: 354-367
9EELuis Villaseñor Pineda, Manuel Montes-y-Gómez, Jean Caelen: A Modal Logic Framework for Human-Computer Spoken Interaction. CICLing 2004: 46-55
8EENgoc-Hoa Nguyen, Jean Caelen: Multi-session Management in Spoken Dialogue System. IBERAMIA 2004: 266-274
7EEJean Caelen, Francis Jambon: Conception participative par "moments". IHM 2004: 29-36
6EEJean Caelen, Ngoc-Hoa Nguyen: Vers Une Architecture Generique De Systeme De Dialogue Homme-Machine. RIVF 2003: 23-26
5 Sid-Ahmed Selouani, Jean Caelen: A hybrid learning vector quantization/Time-delay neural networks system for the recognition of Arabic speech. NSIP 1999: 709-713
4 Sid-Ahmed Selouani, Jean Caelen: Recognition of Arabic Phonetic Features Using Neural Networks and Knowledge-Based System: A Comparative Study. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 8(1): 73-103 (1999)
3 Mohammad Akbar, Jean Caelen: Parole et Traduction Automatique: Le Module de Reconnaissance RAPHAEL. COLING-ACL 1998: 36-40
2 Sid-Ahmed Selouani, Jean Caelen: Spotting Arabic Phonetic Features Using Modular Connectionist Architectures and a Rule-Based System. NC 1998: 456-462
1 O. Cervantes, Jean-François Serignat, Jean Caelen: D'une base de données son, vers une base de données parole. BDA 1987: 429-446

Coauthor Index

1Mohammad Akbar [3]
2Corneliu Burileanu [12]
3O. Cervantes [1]
4Yves Demazeau [10]
5Francis Jambon [7]
6Asanee Kawtrakul [13]
7Brigitte Meillon [11]
8Manuel Montes-y-Gómez [9]
9Ngoc-Hoa Nguyen [6] [8]
10Luis Villaseñor Pineda [9]
11Guillaume Piolle [10]
12Vladimir Popescu [12]
13Sid-Ahmed Selouani [2] [4] [5]
14Jean-François Serignat [1]
15Thana Sukvaree [13]
16Guillaume Thomann [11]
17Morgan Verdier [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)