
Thierry Cachat

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13EEEugene Asarin, Thierry Cachat, Alexander Seliverstov, Tayssir Touili, Vassily A. Lyubetsky: Attenuation Regulation as a Term Rewriting System. AB 2007: 81-94
12EEThierry Cachat: Tree Automata Make Ordinal Theory Easy. Algorithmic-Logical Theory of Infinite Structures 2007
11EEThierry Cachat, Igor Walukiewicz: The Complexity of Games on Higher Order Pushdown Automata CoRR abs/0705.0262: (2007)
10EEThierry Cachat: Controller Synthesis and Ordinal Automata. ATVA 2006: 215-228
9EEThierry Cachat: Tree Automata Make Ordinal Theory Easy. FSTTCS 2006: 285-296
8EEThierry Cachat: Controller synthesis & Ordinal Automata CoRR abs/cs/0608120: (2006)
7EEThierry Cachat: Tree Automata Make Ordinal Theory Easy CoRR abs/cs/0610166: (2006)
6EEThierry Cachat: Higher Order Pushdown Automata, the Caucal Hierarchy of Graphs and Parity Games. ICALP 2003: 556-569
5EEThierry Cachat, Jacques Duparc, Wolfgang Thomas: Solving Pushdown Games with a Sigma3 Winning Condition. CSL 2002: 322-336
4EEThierry Cachat: Symbolic Strategy Synthesis for Games on Pushdown Graphs. ICALP 2002: 704-715
3EEThierry Cachat: Uniform Solution of Parity Games on Prefix-Recognizable Graphs. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 68(6): (2002)
2EEThierry Cachat: Two-Way Tree Automata Solving Pushdown Games. Automata, Logics, and Infinite Games 2001: 303-317
1EEThierry Cachat: The Power of One-Letter Rational Languages. Developments in Language Theory 2001: 145-154

Coauthor Index

1Eugene Asarin [13]
2Jacques Duparc [5]
3Vassily A. Lyubetsky [13]
4Alexander Seliverstov [13]
5Wolfgang Thomas [5]
6Tayssir Touili [13]
7Igor Walukiewicz [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)