
Joaquín Cañadas

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7 F. J. Orellana, Joaquín Cañadas, Isabel María del Águila, Samuel Túnez: INSCO Requisite - A Web-Based RM-Tool to support Hybrid Software Development. ICEIS (3-1) 2008: 326-329
6 Isabel María del Águila, Joaquín Cañadas, José Palma, Samuel Túnez: Towards a Methodology for Hybrid Systems Software Development. SEKE 2006: 188-193
5EEIsabel María del Águila, Joaquín Cañadas, Alfonso Bosch, Samuel Túnez, Roque Marín: Knowledge Model of a Therapy Administration Task - Applied to an Agricultural Domain. KES 2003: 1277-1283
4EEAntonio Corral, Joaquín Cañadas, Michael Vassilakopoulos: Approximate Algorithms for Distance-Based Queries in High-Dimensional Data Spaces Using R-Trees. ADBIS 2002: 163-176
3EEJoaquín Cañadas, Isabel María del Águila, Alfonso Bosch, Samuel Túnez: An Intelligent System for Therapy Control in a Distributed Organization. EurAsia-ICT 2002: 19-26
2EEIsabel María del Águila, Samuel Túnez, Joaquín Cañadas, Alfonso Bosch, Roque Marín: A proposal for Projekt Management Using CommonKADS. EUROCAST 2001: 160-171
1EEAntonio Corral, Joaquín Cañadas, Michael Vassilakopoulos: Processing Distance-Based Queries in Multidimensional Data Spaces Using R-trees. Panhellenic Conference on Informatics 2001: 1-18

Coauthor Index

1Isabel María del Águila [2] [3] [5] [6] [7]
2Alfonso Bosch [2] [3] [5]
3Antonio Corral [1] [4]
4Roque Marín [2] [5]
5F. J. Orellana [7]
6José Palma [6]
7Samuel Túnez [2] [3] [5] [6] [7]
8Michael Vassilakopoulos [1] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)