
Joakim Cöster

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4EEAlexander Kaske, Gösta Winberg, Joakim Cöster: Motor-maps, navigation and implicit space representation in the hippocampus. Biological Cybernetics 94(1): 46-57 (2006)
3EEAlexander Kaske, Gösta Winberg, Joakim Cöster: Traveling-wave pattern generator controls movement and organization of sensory feedback in a spinal cord model. Biological Cybernetics 88(1): 11-19 (2003)
2EEAlexander Kaske, Gösta Winberg, Joakim Cöster: Emergence of coherent traveling waves controlling quadruped gaits in a two-dimensional spinal cord model. Biological Cybernetics 88(1): 20-32 (2003)
1EEMikael Huss, Henrik Boström, Lars Asker, Joakim Cöster: Learning to recognize brain specific proteins based on low-level features from on-line prediction servers. BIOKDD 2001: 45-49

Coauthor Index

1Lars Asker [1]
2Henrik Boström [1]
3Mikael Huss [1]
4Alexander Kaske [2] [3] [4]
5Gösta Winberg [2] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)