
Susan Byck

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3 Piotr M. Nowacki, Susan Byck, Lynne Prevost, Charles R. Scriver: PAH Mutation Analysis Consortium Database: 1997. Prototype for relational locus-specific mutation databases. Nucleic Acids Research 26(1): 220-225 (1998)
2 Piotr M. Nowacki, Susan Byck, Lynne Prevost, Charles R. Scriver: The PAH mutation analysis consortium database: update 1996. Nucleic Acids Research 25(1): 139-142 (1997)
1 Liem Hoang, Susan Byck, Lynne Prevost, Charles R. Scriver: PAH Mutation Analysis Consortium Database: a database for disease- producing and other allelic variation at the human PAH locus. Nucleic Acids Research 24(1): 127-131 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Liem Hoang [1]
2Piotr M. Nowacki [2] [3]
3Lynne Prevost [1] [2] [3]
4Charles R. Scriver [1] [2] [3]

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