
Ken Butts

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4EESandeep Neema, Janos Sztipanovits, Gabor Karsai, Ken Butts: Constraint-Based Design-Space Exploration and Model Synthesis. EMSOFT 2003: 290-305
3EESteve Sims, Rance Cleaveland, Ken Butts, Scott Ranville: Automated Validation of Software Models. ASE 2001: 91-
2EEKen Butts, Dave Bostic, Alongkrit Chutinan, Jeffrey Cook, Bill Milam, Yanxin Wang: Usage Scenarios for an Automated Model Compiler. EMSOFT 2001: 66-79
1EEKen Butts: Hybrid Models for Automotive Powertrain Systems: Revisiting a Vision. HSCC 2000: 1-2

Coauthor Index

1Dave Bostic [2]
2Alongkrit Chutinan [2]
3Rance Cleaveland [3]
4Jeffrey Cook [2]
5Gabor Karsai [4]
6Bill Milam [2]
7Sandeep Neema [4]
8Scott Ranville [3]
9Steve Sims [3]
10Janos Sztipanovits [4]
11Yanxin Wang [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)