
Kevin R. B. Butler

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11EEKevin R. B. Butler, Stephen McLaughlin, Patrick Drew McDaniel: Rootkit-resistant disks. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2008: 403-416
10EEKevin R. B. Butler, William Enck, Harri Hursti, Stephen McLaughlin, Patrick Traynor, Patrick McDaniel: Systemic Issues in the Hart InterCivic and Premier Voting Systems: Reflections on Project EVEREST. EVT 2008
9EESunam Ryu, Kevin R. B. Butler, Patrick Traynor, Patrick Drew McDaniel: Leveraging Identity-Based Cryptography for Node ID Assignment in Structured P2P Systems. AINA Workshops (1) 2007: 519-524
8EEKevin R. B. Butler, Stephen E. McLaughlin, Patrick Drew McDaniel: Non-volatile memory and disks: avenues for policy architectures. CSAW 2007: 77-84
7EEDhananjay Bapat, Kevin R. B. Butler, Patrick Drew McDaniel: Towards Automated Privilege Separation. ICISS 2007: 272-276
6EEAnusha Sriraman, Kevin R. B. Butler, Patrick Drew McDaniel, Padma Raghavan: Analysis of the IPv4 Address Space Delegation Structure. ISCC 2007: 501-508
5EEKevin R. B. Butler, Patrick McDaniel, William Aiello: Optimizing BGP security by exploiting path stability. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2006: 298-310
4EEKevin R. B. Butler, William Enck, Jennifer Plasterr, Patrick Traynor, Patrick McDaniel: Privacy Preserving Web-Based Email. ICISS 2006: 116-131
3EEShiva Chaitanya, Kevin R. B. Butler, Anand Sivasubramaniam, Patrick McDaniel, Murali Vilayannur: Design, implementation and evaluation of security in iSCSI-based network storage systems. StorageSS 2006: 17-28
2EEPatrick McDaniel, William Aiello, Kevin R. B. Butler, John Ioannidis: Origin authentication in interdomain routing. Computer Networks 50(16): 2953-2980 (2006)
1EEKevin R. B. Butler, Patrick Drew McDaniel: Understanding Mutable Internet Pathogens, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Parasitic Behavior. ICISS 2005: 36-48

Coauthor Index

1William Aiello [2] [5]
2Dhananjay Bapat [7]
3Shiva Chaitanya [3]
4William Enck [4] [10]
5Harri Hursti [10]
6John Ioannidis [2]
7Patrick Drew McDaniel (Patrick McDaniel) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
8Stephen McLaughlin [10] [11]
9Stephen E. McLaughlin [8]
10Jennifer Plasterr [4]
11Padma Raghavan [6]
12Sunam Ryu [9]
13Anand Sivasubramaniam [3]
14Anusha Sriraman [6]
15Patrick Traynor [4] [9] [10]
16Murali Vilayannur [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)