
Darren Butler

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3EEHui Cheng, Darren Butler: Segmentation of Aerial Surveillance Video Using a Mixture of Experts. DICTA 2005: 66
2EEDarren Butler, Chris McCool, Matthew McKay, Scott Lowther, Vinod Chandran, Sridha Sridharan: Robust Face Localisation Using Motion, Colour and Fusion. DICTA 2003: 899-908
1EEDarren Butler, Paul Roe: Sharing the Garden GATE: Towards an Efficient Uniform Programming Model for CLUMPS. IWCC 1999: 271-277

Coauthor Index

1Vinod Chandran [2]
2Hui Cheng [3]
3Scott Lowther [2]
4Chris McCool [2]
5Matthew McKay [2]
6Paul Roe [1]
7Sridha Sridharan [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)