
Nicholas Butko

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4EEAndreas Wiratanaya, Michael J. Lyons, Nicholas Butko, Shinji Abe: iMime: an interactive character animation system for use in dementia care. IUI 2007: 262-265
3EENicholas Butko, Jochen Triesch: Learning sensory representations with intrinsic plasticity. Neurocomputing 70(7-9): 1130-1138 (2007)
2EEFerid Bajramovic, Frank Mattern, Nicholas Butko, Joachim Denzler: A Comparison of Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithms for Generic Object Recognition. ACIVS 2006: 1186-1197
1EENicholas Butko, Jochen Triesch: Exploring the role of intrinsic plasticity for the learning of sensory representations. ESANN 2006: 467-472

Coauthor Index

1Shinji Abe [4]
2Ferid Bajramovic [2]
3Joachim Denzler [2]
4Michael J. Lyons [4]
5Frank Mattern [2]
6Jochen Triesch [1] [3]
7Andreas Wiratanaya [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)