
Sonia Busquier

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7EESergio Amat, C. Bermúdez, Sonia Busquier, Sergio Plaza: On the dynamics of the Euler iterative function. Applied Mathematics and Computation 197(2): 725-732 (2008)
6EEVirginia Alarcón, Sergio Amat, Sonia Busquier, Fernando Manzano: High order iterative schemes for quadratic equations. Numerical Algorithms 48(4): 373-381 (2008)
5EESergio Amat, Sonia Busquier, J. Carlos Trillo: On multiresolution schemes using a stencil selection procedure: applications to ENO schemes. Numerical Algorithms 44(1): 45-68 (2007)
4EESergio Amat, Sonia Busquier, Sergio Plaza: Constructing attracting periodic orbits of three third-order iterative methods. Applied Mathematics and Computation 161(2): 679-690 (2005)
3EESergio Amat, Sonia Busquier, José Manuel Gutiérrez: On the local convergence of secant-type methods. Int. J. Comput. Math. 81(9): 1153-1161 (2004)
2EESergio Amat, Sonia Busquier: A modified secant method for semismooth equations. Appl. Math. Lett. 16(6): 877-881 (2003)
1EESergio Amat, Sonia Busquier: A Note on the Stability of ENO Multiresolution. Int. J. Comput. Math. 79(10): 1093-1098 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Virginia Alarcón [6]
2Sergio Amat [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
3C. Bermúdez [7]
4José Manuel Gutiérrez [3]
5Fernando Manzano [6]
6Sergio Plaza [4] [7]
7J. Carlos Trillo [5]

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