
Yann Busnel

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6EEYann Busnel, Leonardo Querzoni, Roberto Baldoni, Marin Bertier, Anne-Marie Kermarrec: On the Deterministic Tracking of Moving Objects with a Binary Sensor Network. DCOSS 2008: 46-59
5EEYann Busnel, Marin Bertier, Anne-Marie Kermarrec: SOLIST or How to Look for a Needle in a Haystack? A Lightweight Multi-overlay Structure for Wireless Sensor Networks. WiMob 2008: 25-31
4EEYann Busnel, Marin Bertier, Eric Fleury, Anne-Marie Kermarrec: GCP: gossip-based code propagation for large-scale mobile wireless sensor networks. Autonomics 2007: 11
3EEYann Busnel, Anne-Marie Kermarrec: PROXSEM: Interest-Based Proximity Measure to Improve Search Efficiency in P2P Systems. ECUMN 2007: 62-74
2EEYann Busnel, Marin Bertier, Eric Fleury, Anne-Marie Kermarrec: GCP: Gossip-based Code Propagation for Large-scale Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks CoRR abs/0707.3717: (2007)
1EEHakim Weatherspoon, Hugo Miranda, Konrad Iwanicki, Ali Ghodsi, Yann Busnel: Gossiping over storage systems is practical. Operating Systems Review 41(5): 75-81 (2007)

Coauthor Index

1Roberto Baldoni [6]
2Marin Bertier [2] [4] [5] [6]
3Eric Fleury [2] [4]
4Ali Ghodsi [1]
5Konrad Iwanicki [1]
6Anne-Marie Kermarrec [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
7Hugo Miranda [1]
8Leonardo Querzoni [6]
9Hakim Weatherspoon [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)