
Stanley K. Burt

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6EEBarry Zeeberg, Haiying Qin, Sudarshan Narasimhan, Margot Sunshine, Hong Cao, David W. Kane, Mark Reimers, Robert M. Stephens, David Bryant, Stanley K. Burt, Eldad Elnekave, Danielle M. Hari, Thomas A. Wynn, Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles, Donn M. Stewart, David Nelson, John N. Weinstein: High-Throughput GoMiner, an 'industrial-strength' integrative gene ontology tool for interpretation of multiple-microarray experiments, with application to studies of Common Variable Immune Deficiency (CVID). BMC Bioinformatics 6: 168 (2005)
5EEA. V. Nemukhin, B. L. Grigorenko, Igor A. Topol, Stanley K. Burt: Flexible effective fragment QM/MM method: Validation through the challenging tests. Journal of Computational Chemistry 24(12): 1410-1420 (2003)
4EEL. Young, Igor A. Topol, A. A. Rashin, Stanley K. Burt: Building molecular charge distributions from fragments: Application to HIV-1 protease inhibitors. Journal of Computational Chemistry 18(4): 522-532 (1997)
3 Ann M. Schmiedekamp, Igor A. Topol, Stanley K. Burt, Holy Razafinjanahary, Henry Chemette, Timothy Pfalzgraff, Christopher J. Michejda: Triazene Proton Affinities: A Comparison between Density Functional, Hartree-Fock, and Post-Hartree-Fock Methods. Journal of Computational Chemistry 15(8): 875-892 (1994)
2EEJohn T. Egan, Stanley K. Burt, Robert D. Mac Elroy: Viewing the energy optimization of chemical models with computer animation. Computers & Chemistry 7(4): 165-173 (1983)
1EEJohn T. Egan, James Hart, Stanley K. Burt, R. D. MacElroy: The display of molecular models with the AMES interactive modeling system (AIMS). Computers & Graphics 6(4): 177-199 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1David Bryant [6]
2Hong Cao [6]
3Henry Chemette [3]
4Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles [6]
5John T. Egan [1] [2]
6Eldad Elnekave [6]
7Robert D. Mac Elroy [2]
8B. L. Grigorenko [5]
9Danielle M. Hari [6]
10James Hart [1]
11David W. Kane [6]
12R. D. MacElroy [1]
13Christopher J. Michejda [3]
14Sudarshan Narasimhan [6]
15David Nelson [6]
16A. V. Nemukhin [5]
17Timothy Pfalzgraff [3]
18Haiying Qin [6]
19A. A. Rashin [4]
20Holy Razafinjanahary [3]
21Mark Reimers [6]
22Ann M. Schmiedekamp [3]
23Robert M. Stephens [6]
24Donn M. Stewart [6]
25Margot Sunshine [6]
26Igor A. Topol [3] [4] [5]
27John N. Weinstein [6]
28Thomas A. Wynn [6]
29L. Young [4]
30Barry Zeeberg [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)