
Rod M. Burstall

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39EERod M. Burstall: My Friend Joseph Goguen. Essays Dedicated to Joseph A. Goguen 2006: 25-30
38 Masahiko Sato, Takafumi Sakurai, Rod M. Burstall: Explicit Environments. Fundam. Inform. 45(1-2): 79-115 (2001)
37EERod M. Burstall: ProveEasy: helping people learn to do proofs. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 31: (2000)
36 Rod M. Burstall: Christopher Strachey - Understanding Programming Languages. Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation 13(1/2): 51-55 (2000)
35EEMasahiko Sato, Takafumi Sakurai, Rod M. Burstall: Explicit Environments. TLCA 1999: 340-354
34EEHealfdene Goguen, Richard Brooksby, Rod M. Burstall: Memory Management: An Abstract Formulation of Incremental Tracing. TYPES 1999: 148-161
33 Rod M. Burstall: Inductively Defined Relations: A Brief Tutorial (Extended Abstract). COMPASS/ADT 1995: 14-16
32 Rod M. Burstall: Terms, Proofs, and Refinement (Extended abstract) LICS 1994: 2-7
31 James McKinna, Rod M. Burstall: Deliverables: A Categorial Approach to Program Development in Type Theory. MFCS 1993: 32-67
30 Rod M. Burstall: Extended Calculus of Constructions as a Specification Language (Abstract). MPC 1992: 1
29EEJoseph A. Goguen, Rod M. Burstall: Institutions: Abstract Model Theory for Specification and Programming. J. ACM 39(1): 95-146 (1992)
28 Andrzej Tarlecki, Rod M. Burstall, Joseph A. Goguen: Some Fundamental Algebraic Tools for the Semantics of Computation: Part 3: Indexed Categories. Theor. Comput. Sci. 91(2): 239-264 (1991)
27 Rod M. Burstall, Furio Honsell: A Natural Deduction treatment of Operational Semantics. FSTTCS 1988: 250-269
26 Butler W. Lampson, Rod M. Burstall: Pebble, a Kernel Language for Modules and Abstract Data Types Inf. Comput. 76(2/3): 278-346 (1988)
25 Rod M. Burstall: Inductively Defined Functions in Functional Programming Languages. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 34(2/3): 409-421 (1987)
24 Joseph A. Goguen, Rod M. Burstall: A Study in the Functions of Programming Methodology: Specifications, Institutions, Charters and Parchments. CTCS 1985: 313-333
23 David E. Rydeheard, Rod M. Burstall: A Categorical Unification Algorithm. CTCS 1985: 493-505
22 David E. Rydeheard, Rod M. Burstall: Computing with Categories. CTCS 1985: 506-519
21 Rod M. Burstall: Inductively Defined Functions (Extended Abstract). TAPSOFT, Vol.1 1985: 92-96
20 Rod M. Burstall: Programming with Modules as Typed Functional Programming. FGCS 1984: 103-112
19 Rod M. Burstall, Butler W. Lampson: A Kernel Language for Abstract Data Types and Modules. Semantics of Data Types 1984: 1-50
18 Joseph A. Goguen, Rod M. Burstall: Some Fundamental Algebraic Tools for the Semantics of Computation. Part 1: Comma Categories, Colimits, Signatures and Theories. Theor. Comput. Sci. 31: 175-209 (1984)
17 Joseph A. Goguen, Rod M. Burstall: Some Fundamental Algebraic Tools for the Semantics of Computation. Part II: Signed and Abstract Theories. Theor. Comput. Sci. 31: 263-295 (1984)
16 Donald Sannella, Rod M. Burstall: Structured Theories in LCF. CAAP 1983: 377-391
15 Joseph A. Goguen, Rod M. Burstall: Introducing Institutions. Logic of Programs 1983: 221-256
14 Alberto Pettorossi, Rod M. Burstall: Deriving very Efficient Algorithms for Evaluating Linear Recurrence Relations Using the Program Transformation Technique. Acta Inf. 18: 181-206 (1982)
13 Rod M. Burstall, David B. MacQueen, Donald Sannella: HOPE: An Experimental Applicative Language. LISP Conference 1980: 136-143
12 Rod M. Burstall: Electronic Category Theory. MFCS 1980: 22-39
11 J. L. Weiner, Rod M. Burstall: Making Programs more Readable. Symposium on Programming 1980: 327-341
10 Rod M. Burstall, Joseph A. Goguen: The Semantics of CLEAR, A Specification Language. Abstract Software Specifications 1979: 292-332
9 Rod M. Burstall, Joseph A. Goguen: Putting Theories Together to Make Specifications. IJCAI 1977: 1045-1058
8EERod M. Burstall, John Darlington: A Transformation System for Developing Recursive Programs. J. ACM 24(1): 44-67 (1977)
7 John Darlington, Rod M. Burstall: A System which Automatically Improves Programs. Acta Inf. 6: 41-60 (1976)
6 Harry G. Barrow, Rod M. Burstall: Subgraph Isomorphism, Matching Relational Structures and Maximal Cliques. Inf. Process. Lett. 4(4): 83-84 (1976)
5 A. P. Ambler, Harry G. Barrow, Christopher M. Brown, Rod M. Burstall, Robin J. Popplestone: A Versatile System for Computer-Controlled Assembly. Artif. Intell. 6(2): 129-156 (1975)
4 Rod M. Burstall, James W. Thatcher: The algebraic theory of recursive program schemes. Category Theory Applied to Computation and Control 1974: 126-131
3 Rod M. Burstall: Program Proving as Hand Simulation with a Little Induction. IFIP Congress 1974: 308-312
2 A. P. Ambler, Harry G. Barrow, Christopher M. Brown, Rod M. Burstall, Robin J. Popplestone: A Versatile Computer-Controlled Assembly System. IJCAI 1973: 298-307
1 John Darlington, Rod M. Burstall: A System which Automatically Improves Programs. IJCAI 1973: 479-485

Coauthor Index

1A. P. Ambler [2] [5]
2Harry G. Barrow [2] [5] [6]
3Richard Brooksby [34]
4Christopher M. Brown [2] [5]
5John Darlington [1] [7] [8]
6Healfdene Goguen [34]
7Joseph A. Goguen [9] [10] [15] [17] [18] [24] [28] [29]
8Furio Honsell [27]
9Butler W. Lampson [19] [26]
10David B. MacQueen [13]
11James McKinna [31]
12Alberto Pettorossi [14]
13Robin J. Popplestone [2] [5]
14David E. Rydeheard [22] [23]
15Takafumi Sakurai [35] [38]
16Donald Sannella [13] [16]
17Masahiko Sato [35] [38]
18Andrzej Tarlecki [28]
19James W. Thatcher [4]
20J. L. Weiner [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)