
Khalid A. Buragga

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3 Khalid A. Buragga, Ayad Aldaijy: Factors Affecting the Quality of Software Development Process. Computers and Their Applications 2008: 215-221
2 Sultan Aljahdali, Khalid A. Buragga: Evolutionary neural network prediction for software reliability modeling. SEDE 2007: 9-13
1 Ayad Aldaijy, Khalid A. Buragga: The Effects of Requirements and Task Uncertainty on Software Product Quality. SEDE 2006: 104-111

Coauthor Index

1Ayad Aldaijy [1] [3]
2Sultan Aljahdali [2]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)