
Severin Bumbaru

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4EENicolae Jascanu, Veronica Jascanu, Severin Bumbaru: Toward Emotional E-Commerce: The Customer Agent. KES (1) 2008: 202-209
3EEDaniel Neagu, Marian Viorel Craciun, Silviu A. Stroia, Severin Bumbaru: Hybrid Intelligent Systems for Predictive Toxicology - a Distributed Approach. ISDA 2005: 26-31
2EEMarian Viorel Craciun, Daniel Neagu, Christoph König, Severin Bumbaru: A Study of Aquatic Toxicity Using Artificial Neural Networks. KES 2003: 911-918
1EEVasile Palade, Severin Bumbaru, G. Negoita: A method for compiling neural networks into fuzzy rules using genetic algorithms and hierarchical approach. KES (2) 1998: 353-358

Coauthor Index

1Marian Viorel Craciun [2] [3]
2Nicolae Jascanu [4]
3Veronica Jascanu [4]
4Christoph König [2]
5Daniel Neagu [2] [3]
6G. Negoita [1]
7Vasile Palade [1]
8Silviu A. Stroia [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)