
A. Buckley

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4EEJ. Alwall, A. Ballestrero, P. Bartalini, S. Belov, E. Boos, A. Buckley, J. M. Butterworth, L. Dudko, S. Frixione, L. Garren, S. Gieseke, A. Gusev, I. Hinchliffe, J. Huston, B. Kersevan, F. Krauss, N. Lavesson, L. Lönnblad, E. Maina, F. Maltoni: A standard format for Les Houches Event Files. Computer Physics Communications 176(4): 300-304 (2007)
3EEN. Brook, A. Bogdanchikov, A. Buckley, Joel Closier, Ulrik Egede, M. Frank, Domenico Galli, Miriam Gandelman, Vincent Garonne, Clara Gaspar, Roberto Graciani Diaz, K. Harrison, Eric van Herwijnen, A. Khan, Sander Klous, Ivan Korolko, Genady Kuznetsov, Francoise Loverre, Umberto Marconi, Juan P. Palacios, Glen N. Patrick, Andrew Pickford, Sebastien Ponce, Vladimir Romanovski, Juan J. Saborido, Michael Schmelling, A. Soroko, Andrei Tsaregorodtsev, Vincenzo Vagnoni, Andrew Washbrook: DIRAC - Distributed Infrastructure with Remote Agent Control CoRR cs.DC/0306060: (2003)
2EEA. Buckley, A. LeNir: Algorithm 630: BBVSCG - A Variable Storage Algorithm for Function Minimization. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 11(2): 103-119 (1985)
1EEA. Buckley: Algorithm 580: QRUP: A Set of FORTRAN Routines for Updating QR Factorizations [F5]. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 7(4): 548-549 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1J. Alwall [4]
2A. Ballestrero [4]
3P. Bartalini [4]
4S. Belov [4]
5A. Bogdanchikov [3]
6E. Boos [4]
7N. Brook [3]
8J. M. Butterworth [4]
9Joel Closier [3]
10Roberto Graciani Diaz [3]
11L. Dudko [4]
12Ulrik Egede [3]
13M. Frank [3]
14S. Frixione [4]
15Domenico Galli [3]
16Miriam Gandelman [3]
17Vincent Garonne [3]
18L. Garren [4]
19Clara Gaspar [3]
20S. Gieseke [4]
21A. Gusev [4]
22K. Harrison [3]
23Eric van Herwijnen [3]
24I. Hinchliffe [4]
25J. Huston [4]
26B. Kersevan [4]
27A. Khan [3]
28Sander Klous [3]
29Ivan Korolko [3]
30F. Krauss [4]
31Genady Kuznetsov [3]
32N. Lavesson [4]
33A. LeNir [2]
34L. Lönnblad [4]
35Francoise Loverre [3]
36E. Maina [4]
37F. Maltoni [4]
38Umberto Marconi [3]
39Juan P. Palacios [3]
40Glen N. Patrick [3]
41Andrew Pickford [3]
42Sebastien Ponce [3]
43Vladimir Romanovski [3]
44Juan J. Saborido [3]
45Michael Schmelling [3]
46A. Soroko [3]
47Andrei Tsaregorodtsev [3]
48Vincenzo Vagnoni [3]
49Andrew Washbrook [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)