
Michael K. Buckland

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26EEMichael K. Buckland: Democratic theory in library information science. JASIST 59(9): 1534 (2008)
25EEMichael K. Buckland: Geoffrey C. Bowker, Memory Practices in the Sciences, The MIT Press (2005) ISBN 0-262-02589-2 xi, 261 pp. Inf. Process. Manage. 43(3): 828-829 (2007)
24EEVivien Petras, Ray R. Larson, Michael K. Buckland: Time period directories: a metadata infrastructure for placing events in temporal and geographic context. JCDL 2006: 151-160
23EEMichael K. Buckland, Lewis R. Lancaster: Advances in Discovery: The Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative Experience. First Monday 11(8): (2006)
22EEMichael K. Buckland: Five Grand Challenges for Library Research. Library Trends 51(4): (2003)
21EEFredric C. Gey, Aitao Chen, Michael K. Buckland, Ray R. Larson: Translingual vocabulary mappings for multilingual information access. SIGIR 2002: 455-456
20 Michael K. Buckland: Review - Christine L. Borgman, From Gutenberg to the Global Information Infrastructure: Access to Information in the Networked World, The MIT Press, 2000. Inf. Process. Manage. 37(4): 659-660 (2001)
19 Michael K. Buckland: Vocabulary as a Central Concept in Library and Information Science. CoLIS 1999
18EEBarbara A. Norgard, Youngin Kim, Michael K. Buckland, Aitao Chen, Ray R. Larson, Fred Gaey: Advanced Search Technologies for Unfamiliar Metadata (demonstration abstract). SIGIR 1999: 322
17 Michael K. Buckland: The Landscape of Information Science: The American Society for Information Science at 62. JASIS 50(11): 970-974 (1999)
16 Michael K. Buckland: Book Review: Information Science: Still an Emerging Discipline by J. G. Williams and T. Carbo. Inf. Process. Manage. 34(4): 506 (1998)
15 Michael K. Buckland: Technology and Management in Library and Information Services, by F. W. Lancaster and Beth Sandore. JASIS 49(4): 385-386 (1998)
14 Michael K. Buckland: What Is a ``Document''? JASIS 48(9): 804-809 (1997)
13 Michael K. Buckland: Documentation, Information Science, and Library Science in the USA. Inf. Process. Manage. 32(1): 63-76 (1996)
12 Michael K. Buckland: The Centenary of "Madame Documentation": Suzanne Briet, 1894-1989. JASIS 46(3): 235-237 (1995)
11 Michael K. Buckland, Fredric C. Gey: The Relationship between Recall and Precision. JASIS 45(1): 12-19 (1994)
10 Michael K. Buckland: Emmanuel Goldberg, Electronic Document Retrieval, and Vannevar Bush's Memex. JASIS 43(4): 284-294 (1992)
9 Michael K. Buckland: Rejoinder to Information as thing. JASIS 42(10): 758 (1991)
8 Michael K. Buckland: Information as thing. JASIS 42(5): 351-360 (1991)
7 Michael K. Buckland: Information quality: Definitions and dimensions; proceedings of a NORDINFO seminar, Royal School of Librarianship, Copenhagen, 1989. JASIS 42(6): 463 (1991)
6 Michael K. Buckland: Information retrieval of more than text. JASIS 42(8): 586-588 (1991)
5 Michael K. Buckland, Doris Florian: Expertise, task complexity, and artificial intelligence: A conceptual framework. JASIS 42(9): 635-643 (1991)
4 Michael K. Buckland: Information handling, organizational structure, and power. JASIS 40(5): 329-333 (1989)
3EEMichael K. Buckland: Relatedness, relevance and responsiveness in retrieval systems. Inf. Process. Manage. 19(4): 237-241 (1983)
2EEMichael K. Buckland, Anthony Hindle, Gregory P. M. Walker: Methodological problems in assessing the overlap between bibliographical files and library holdings. Inf. Process. Manage. 11(3-4): 89-105 (1975)
1EEMichael K. Buckland, I. Woodburn: An analytical study of library book duplication and availability. Information Storage and Retrieval 5(2): 69-79 (1969)

Coauthor Index

1Aitao Chen [18] [21]
2Doris Florian [5]
3Fred Gaey [18]
4Fredric C. Gey [11] [21]
5Anthony Hindle [2]
6Youngin Kim [18]
7Lewis R. Lancaster [23]
8Ray R. Larson [18] [21] [24]
9Barbara A. Norgard [18]
10Vivien Petras [24]
11Gregory P. M. Walker [2]
12I. Woodburn [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)