
Ingrid Y. Bucher

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5EEIngrid Y. Bucher, Donald A. Calahan: Models of Access Delays in Multiprocessor Memories. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 3(3): 270-280 (1992)
4EEIngrid Y. Bucher, Margaret L. Simmons: Measurement of memory access contentions in multiple vector processor systems. SC 1991: 806-817
3EEIngrid Y. Bucher, Donald A. Calahan: Access conflicts in multiprocessor memories queueing models and simulation studies. ICS 1990: 428-438
2EEIngrid Y. Bucher, Margaret L. Simmons: A Close Look at Vector Performance of Register-to-Register Vector Computers and a New Model. SIGMETRICS 1987: 39-45
1 Ingrid Y. Bucher, James W. Moore: Comparative Performance Evaluation of two Supercomputers: CDC Cyber-205 and CRI Cray-1. Int. CMG Conference 1981: 252-261

Coauthor Index

1Donald A. Calahan [3] [5]
2James W. Moore [1]
3Margaret L. Simmons [2] [4]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)