
Stephan Brunessaux

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4EEBruno Grilheres, Christophe Beauce, Stéphane Canu, Stephan Brunessaux: A Platform for Semantic Annotations and Ontology Population Using Conditional Random Fields. Web Intelligence 2005: 790-793
3 Bruno Grilheres, Stephan Brunessaux, Philippe Leray: Combining classifiers for harmful document filtering. RIAO 2004: 173-185
2EELudovic Denoyer, Jean-Noël Vittaut, Patrick Gallinari, Sylvie Brunessaux, Stephan Brunessaux: Structured multimedia document classification. ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2003: 153-160
1 Antonis Galetsas, Stephan Brunessaux, Stefan Hoernschemeyer: Achieving universal access for European e-government applications - A case study of two European projects in the field of e-voting and smartcards. HCI 2001: 813-817

Coauthor Index

1Christophe Beauce [4]
2Sylvie Brunessaux [2]
3Stéphane Canu [4]
4Ludovic Denoyer [2]
5Antonis Galetsas [1]
6Patrick Gallinari [2]
7Bruno Grilheres [3] [4]
8Stefan Hoernschemeyer [1]
9Philippe Leray [3]
10Jean-Noël Vittaut [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)