
K. Brown

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4 William G. Booty, W. J. Young, David C.-L. Lam, Peter A. Whigham, Isaac W. S. Wong, Susan M. Cuddy, K. Brown, T. F. Farley: Assessment of Ecological Responses to Environmental Flow Regimes using a Decision Support System Framework. ISESS 1999: 204-212
3 Andrew Hunter, G. Hare, K. Brown: Genetic Design of Real-Time Neural Network Controllers. Neural Computing and Applications 6(1): 12-18 (1997)
2 J. Lue, K. Brown, W. B. Samson: Indexing Techniques for Temporal Data. DEXA Workshop 1995: 134-141
1EET. Abbod, K. Brown, H. Noble: Providing Time-Related Constraints for Conventional Database Systems. VLDB 1987: 167-175

Coauthor Index

1T. Abbod [1]
2William G. Booty [4]
3Susan M. Cuddy [4]
4T. F. Farley [4]
5G. Hare [3]
6Andrew Hunter [3]
7David C.-L. Lam [4]
8J. Lue [2]
9H. Noble [1]
10W. B. Samson [2]
11Peter A. Whigham [4]
12Isaac W. S. Wong [4]
13W. J. Young [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)