
Jason I. Brown

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27EEJason I. Brown, Richard J. Nowakowski, Igor E. Zverovich: The structure of well-covered graphs with no cycles of length 4. Discrete Mathematics 307(17-18): 2235-2245 (2007)
26EEJason I. Brown, Richard J. Nowakowski: The well-covered dimension of random graphs. Discrete Mathematics 307(3-5): 352-355 (2007)
25EEJason I. Brown, Xiaohu Li: Uniformly optimal digraphs for strongly connected reliability. Networks 49(2): 145-151 (2007)
24EEJason I. Brown, Richard J. Nowakowski: Average independence polynomials. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 93(2): 313-318 (2005)
23EEJason I. Brown, Xiaohu Li: The strongly connected reliability of complete digraphs. Networks 45(3): 165-168 (2005)
22EEJason I. Brown, Richard J. Nowakowski: Well-Covered Vector Spaces of Graphs. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 19(4): 952-965 (2005)
21EEJason I. Brown, Carl A. Hickman, Richard J. Nowakowski: The k-fractal of a simplicial complex. Discrete Mathematics 285(1-3): 33-45 (2004)
20EEJason I. Brown, Carl A. Hickman, Richard J. Nowakowski: The independence fractal of a graph. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 87(2): 209-230 (2003)
19 Jason I. Brown, Carl A. Hickman: On chromatic roots with negative real part. Ars Comb. 63: (2002)
18EEJason I. Brown, Carl A. Hickman: On chromatic roots of large subdivisions of graphs. Discrete Mathematics 242(1-3): 17-30 (2002)
17 Jason I. Brown, Richard J. Nowakowski: Bounding the Roots of Independence Polynomials. Ars Comb. 58: (2001)
16EEJason I. Brown, Carl A. Hickman, Alan D. Sokal, David G. Wagner: On the Chromatic Roots of Generalized Theta Graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 83(2): 272-297 (2001)
15EEJason I. Brown: Subdivisions and Chromatic Roots. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 76(2): 201-204 (1999)
14EEDimitris Achlioptas, Jason I. Brown, Derek G. Corneil, Michael S. O. Molloy: The existence of uniquely -G colourable graphs. Discrete Mathematics 179(1-3): 1-11 (1998)
13EEJason I. Brown: Chromatic polynomials and order ideals of monomials. Discrete Mathematics 189(1-3): 43-68 (1998)
12EEJason I. Brown: On the Roots of Chromatic Polynomials. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 72(2): 251-256 (1998)
11EEJason I. Brown: The Complexity of Generalized Graph Colorings. Discrete Applied Mathematics 69(3): 257-270 (1996)
10EEJason I. Brown, Stephen Watson: The number of complements of a topology on n points is at least 2n (except for some special cases). Discrete Mathematics 154(1-3): 27-39 (1996)
9EEJason I. Brown, Richard J. Nowakowski, Douglas F. Rall: The Ultimate Categorical Independence Ratio of a Graph. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 9(2): 290-300 (1996)
8EEJason I. Brown, Charles J. Colbourn, David G. Wagner: Cohen-Macaulay Rings in Network Reliability. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 9(3): 377-392 (1996)
7EEJason I. Brown, Stephen Watson: Mutually complementary partial orders. Discrete Mathematics 113(1-3): 27-39 (1993)
6EEJason I. Brown: A vertex critical graph without critical edges. Discrete Mathematics 102(1): 99-101 (1992)
5 Jason I. Brown, Charles J. Colbourn: Roots of the Reliability Polynomial. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 5(4): 571-585 (1992)
4EEJason I. Brown, Derek G. Corneil: Graph properties and hypergraph colourings. Discrete Mathematics 98(2): 81-93 (1991)
3EEJason I. Brown, Vojtech Rödl: A ramsey type problem concerning vertex colourings. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 52(1): 45-52 (1991)
2EEJason I. Brown, David Kelly, J. Schönheim, Robert E. Woodrow: Graph coloring satisfying restraints. Discrete Mathematics 80(2): 123-143 (1990)
1 Jason I. Brown, Charles J. Colbourn: A Set System Polynomial with Colouring and Reliability Applications. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 1(2): 151-157 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Dimitris Achlioptas [14]
2Charles J. Colbourn [1] [5] [8]
3Derek G. Corneil [4] [14]
4Carl A. Hickman [16] [18] [19] [20] [21]
5David Kelly [2]
6Xiaohu Li [23] [25]
7Michael Molloy (Michael S. O. Molloy) [14]
8Richard J. Nowakowski [9] [17] [20] [21] [22] [24] [26] [27]
9Douglas F. Rall [9]
10Vojtech Rödl [3]
11J. Schönheim [2]
12Alan D. Sokal [16]
13David G. Wagner [8] [16]
14Stephen Watson [7] [10]
15Robert E. Woodrow [2]
16Igor E. Zverovich [27]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)