
Vladimir Britanak

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6EEVladimir Britanak: An efficient computing of oddly stacked MDCT/MDST via evenly stacked MDCT/MDST and vice versa. Signal Processing 85(7): 1353-1374 (2005)
5 Vladimir Britanak: A Note on the MDCT/MDST and Pseudoinverse Matrix. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 23(3): (2004)
4EEVladimir Britanak: The fast DCT-IV/DST-IV computation via the MDCT. Signal Processing 83(8): 1803-1813 (2003)
3EEVladimir Britanak, K. R. Rao: A new fast algorithm for the unified forward and inverse MDCT/MDST computation. Signal Processing 82(3): 433-459 (2002)
2 Vladimir Britanak: A Unified Approach to FAST Computation of Discrete Sinusoidal Transforms II: DFT and DWT Transforms. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 18(1): (1999)
1 Vladimir Britanak: A Unified Approach to FAST Computation of Discrete Sinusoidal Transforms I: DCT and DST Transforms. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 17(6): (1998)

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1K. R. Rao [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)