
Cyril Briquet

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6EECyril Briquet, Pierre-Arnoul de Marneffe: Reproducible testing of distributed software with middleware virtualization and simulation. PADTAD 2008: 1
5EEGérard Dethier, Cyril Briquet, Pierre Marchot, Pierre-Arnoul de Marneffe: LBG-SQUARE Fault-Tolerant, Locality-Aware Co-Allocation in P2P Grids. PDCAT 2008: 252-258
4EEGérard Dethier, Cyril Briquet, Pierre Marchot, Pierre-Arnoul de Marneffe: A Grid-Enabled Lattice-Boltzmann-Based Modelling System. PPAM 2007: 1275-1284
3EECyril Briquet, Xavier Dalem, Sébastien Jodogne, Pierre-Arnoul de Marneffe: Scheduling data-intensive bags of tasks in P2P grids with bittorrent-enabled data distribution. UPGRADE-CN 2007: 39-48
2EESébastien Jodogne, Cyril Briquet, Justus H. Piater: Approximate Policy Iteration for Closed-Loop Learning of Visual Tasks. ECML 2006: 210-221
1 Cyril Briquet, Pierre-Arnoul de Marneffe: Grid Resource Negotiation: Survey with a Machine Learning Perspective. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks 2006: 17-22

Coauthor Index

1Xavier Dalem [3]
2Gérard Dethier [4] [5]
3Sébastien Jodogne [2] [3]
4Pierre Marchot [4] [5]
5Pierre-Arnoul de Marneffe [1] [3] [4] [5] [6]
6Justus H. Piater [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)