
Björn Bringert

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5EEAarne Ranta, Krasimir Angelov, Björn Bringert: Grammar Development in GF. EACL (Demos) 2009: 57-60
4EEBjörn Bringert, Krasimir Angelov, Aarne Ranta: Grammatical Framework Web Service. EACL (Demos) 2009: 9-12
3EEMoisés Salvador Meza Moreno, Björn Bringert: Interactive Multilingual Web Applications with Grammatical Framework. GoTAL 2008: 336-347
2EEBjörn Bringert, Aarne Ranta: A pattern for almost compositional functions. J. Funct. Program. 18(5-6): 567-598 (2008)
1EEBjörn Bringert, Aarne Ranta: A pattern for almost compositional functions. ICFP 2006: 216-226

Coauthor Index

1Krasimir Angelov [4] [5]
2Moisés Salvador Meza Moreno [3]
3Aarne Ranta [1] [2] [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)