
Jürgen Brickmann

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15EEMohamed Zerara, Jürgen Brickmann, Robert Kretschmer, Thomas E. Exner: Parameterization of an empirical model for the prediction of n -octanol, alkane and cyclohexane/water as well as brain/blood partition coefficients. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 23(2): 105-111 (2009)
14EEMatthias Keil, Thomas E. Exner, Jürgen Brickmann: Pattern recognition strategies for molecular surfaces: III. Binding site prediction with a neural network. Journal of Computational Chemistry 25(6): 779-789 (2004)
13EERobert Jäger, Stefan M. Kast, Jürgen Brickmann: Parametrization Strategy for the MolFESD Concept: Quantitative Surface Representation of Local Hydrophobicity. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 43(1): 237-247 (2003)
12EEThomas E. Exner, Matthias Keil, Jürgen Brickmann: Pattern recognition strategies for molecular surfaces. I. Pattern generation using fuzzy set theory. Journal of Computational Chemistry 23(12): 1176-1187 (2002)
11EEThomas E. Exner, Matthias Keil, Jürgen Brickmann: Pattern recognition strategies for molecular surfaces. II. Surface complementarity. Journal of Computational Chemistry 23(12): 1188-1197 (2002)
10EERobert Jäger, Friedemann Schmidt, Bernd Schilling, Jürgen Brickmann: Localization and quantification of hydrophobicity: The molecular free energy density (MolFESD) concept and its application to sweetness recognition. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 14(7): 631-646 (2000)
9EEH. Dufner, Stefan M. Kast, Jürgen Brickmann, Michael Schlenkrich: Ewald summation versus direct summation of shifted-force potentials for the calculation of electrostatic interactions in solids: A quantitative study. Journal of Computational Chemistry 18(5): 660-676 (1997)
8EEStephan Reiling, Jürgen Brickmann, Michael Schlenkrich, Philippe A. Bopp: Theoretical investigations on 1, 2-ethanediol: The problem of intramolecular hydrogen bonds. Journal of Computational Chemistry 17(2): 133-147 (1996)
7EEStephan Reiling, Michael Schlenkrich, Jürgen Brickmann: Force field parameters for carbohydrates. Journal of Computational Chemistry 17(4): 450-468 (1996)
6EEJürgen Brickmann, Wolfgang Heiden, Horst Vollhardt, Carl-Dieter Zachmann: New man-machine communication strategies in molecular modelling. HICSS (5) 1995: 273-
5EEPaul Pixner, Wolfgang Heiden, Hendrik Merx, Gerd Moeckel, Andreas Moeller, Jürgen Brickmann: Empirical Method for the Quantification and Localization of Molecular Hydrophobicity. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 34(6): 1309-1319 (1994)
4EEElke Lang, Jürgen Brickmann: Storage techniques and analysis tools founding a knowledge-based system for conformation prediction. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 33(5): 763-768 (1993)
3 Wolfgang Heiden, Gerd Moeckel, Jürgen Brickmann: A new approach to analysis and display of local lipophilicity/hydrophilicity mapped on molecular surfaces. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 7(5): 503-514 (1993)
2EECarl-Dieter Zachmann, Jürgen Brickmann: Hausdorff dimension as a quantification of local roughness of protein surfaces. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 32(1): 120-122 (1992)
1 Jürgen Brickmann, Martin Knoblauch, Michael Waldherr-Teschner: Über den Einsatz graphischer "Workstations" für die "Man-Machine Communication" in der Chemie. GI Jahrestagung (1) 1989: 10-20

Coauthor Index

1Philippe A. Bopp [8]
2H. Dufner [9]
3Thomas E. Exner [11] [12] [14] [15]
4Wolfgang Heiden [3] [5] [6]
5Robert Jäger [10] [13]
6Stefan M. Kast [9] [13]
7Matthias Keil [11] [12] [14]
8Martin Knoblauch [1]
9Robert Kretschmer [15]
10Elke Lang [4]
11Hendrik Merx [5]
12Gerd Moeckel [3] [5]
13Andreas Moeller [5]
14Paul Pixner [5]
15Stephan Reiling [7] [8]
16Bernd Schilling [10]
17Michael Schlenkrich [7] [8] [9]
18Friedemann Schmidt [10]
19Horst Vollhardt [6]
20Michael Waldherr-Teschner [1]
21Carl-Dieter Zachmann [2] [6]
22Mohamed Zerara [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)