
Kurt M. Bretthauer

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5EEStephen Mahar, Kurt M. Bretthauer, M. A. Venkataramanan: The value of virtual pooling in dual sales channel supply chains. European Journal of Operational Research 192(2): 561-575 (2009)
4EENezih Altay, Powell E. Robinson Jr., Kurt M. Bretthauer: Exact and heuristic solution approaches for the mixed integer setup knapsack problem. European Journal of Operational Research 190(3): 598-609 (2008)
3EEElliot Bendoly, Doug Blocher, Kurt M. Bretthauer, M. A. Venkataramanan: Service and cost benefits through clicks-and-mortar integration: Implications for the centralization/decentralization debate. European Journal of Operational Research 180(1): 426-442 (2007)
2EEKurt M. Bretthauer, Bala Shetty: A pegging algorithm for the nonlinear resource allocation problem. Computers & OR 29(5): 505-527 (2002)
1EEKurt M. Bretthauer, A. Victor Cabot: A composite branch and bound, cutting plane algorithm for concave minimization over a polyhedron. Computers & OR 21(7): 777-785 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Nezih Altay [4]
2Elliot Bendoly [3]
3Doug Blocher [3]
4A. Victor Cabot [1]
5Stephen Mahar [5]
6Powell E. Robinson Jr. [4]
7Bala Shetty [2]
8M. A. Venkataramanan [3] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)