
Robert Bretl

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3 Robert Bretl, Allen Otis, Marc San Soucie, Bruce Schuchardt, R. Venkatesh: Persistent Java Objects in 3 Tier Architectures. POS/PJW 1998: 236-249
2 Jay Almarode, Robert Bretl: Reduced-Conflict Objects. JOOP 10(8): 40-44 (1998)
1 Robert Bretl, David Maier, Allen Otis, D. Jason Penney, Bruce Schuchardt, Jacob Stein, E. Harold Williams, Monty Williams: The GemStone Data Management System. Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications 1989: 283-308

Coauthor Index

1Jay Almarode [2]
2David Maier [1]
3Allen Otis [1] [3]
4D. Jason Penney [1]
5Bruce Schuchardt [1] [3]
6Marc San Soucie [3]
7Jacob Stein [1]
8R. Venkatesh [3]
9E. Harold Williams [1]
10Monty Williams [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)