
C. F. Bremer

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4 J. E. M. Siqueira, C. F. Bremer: A method for identifying and evaluating core competencies' constituent skills for virtual industry clusters. Advanced Network Enterprises 2000: 121-128
3 A. P. F. Mundim, C. F. Bremer: Design of a computer-supported cooperative environment for small and medium enterprises. E-Business and Virtual Enterprises 2000: 113-126
2 J. E. M. Siqueira, C. F. Bremer: Action research: The formation of a manufacturing virtual industry cluster. E-Business and Virtual Enterprises 2000: 261-268
1 C. F. Bremer, A. P. F. Mundim, F. V. S. Michilini, J. E. M. Siqueira, L. M. Ortega: A Brazilian Case of VE Coordination. PRO-VE 1999: 377-386

Coauthor Index

1F. V. S. Michilini [1]
2A. P. F. Mundim [1] [3]
3L. M. Ortega [1]
4J. E. M. Siqueira [1] [2] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)