
Lars Bratthall

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12EELars Bratthall, Robert van der Geest, Holger Hofmann, Edgar Jellum, Zbigniew Korendo, Robert Martinez, Michal Orkisz, Christian Zeidler, Johan S. Andersson: Integrating hundred's of product through one architecture: the industrial IT architecture. ICSE 2002: 604-614
11EELars Bratthall, Johan Hasselberg, Brad Hoffman, Zbigniew Korendo, Bruno Schilli, Lars Gundersen: Component Certification - What is the Value? PROFES 2002: 119-133
10 Lars Bratthall, Magne Jørgensen: Can you Trust a Single Data Source Exploratory Software Engineering Case Study? Empirical Software Engineering 7(1): 9-26 (2002)
9 Martin Höst, Enrico Johansson, A. Norén, Lars Bratthall: Benchmarking of processes for managing product platforms: a case study. IEE Proceedings - Software 149(5): 137-142 (2002)
8EELars Bratthall, Claes Wohlin: Is it Possible to Decorate Graphical Software Design and Architecture Models with Qualitative Information?-An Experiment. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 28(12): 1181-1193 (2002)
7EEEnrico Johansson, Anders Wesslén, Lars Bratthall, Martin Höst: The Importance of Quality Requirements in Software Platform Development - A Survey. HICSS 2001
6EEThomas Olsson, Per Runeson, Niclas Bauer, Lars Bratthall: An Experiment on Lead-Time Impact in Testing of Distributed Real-Time Systems. IEEE METRICS 2001: 159-168
5EELars Bratthall, Erik Arisholm, Magne Jørgensen: Program Understanding Behavior during Estimation of Enhancement Effort on Small Java Programs. PROFES 2001: 356-370
4EELars Bratthall, Claes Wohlin: Understanding Some Software Quality Aspects from Architecture and Design Models. IWPC 2000: 27-
3 Lars Bratthall, Enrico Johansson, Björn Regnell: Is a Design Rationale Vital when Predicting Change Impact? A Controlled Experiment on Software Architecture Evolution. PROFES 2000: 126-139
2EELars Bratthall, Per Runeson, K. Adelswärd, W. Eriksson: A survey of lead-time challenges in the development and evolution of distributed real-time systems. Information & Software Technology 42(13): 947-958 (2000)
1 Lars Bratthall, Per Runeson: Architecture Design Recovery of a Family of Embedded Software Systems. WICSA 1999: 3-14

Coauthor Index

1K. Adelswärd [2]
2Johan S. Andersson [12]
3Erik Arisholm [5]
4Niclas Bauer [6]
5W. Eriksson [2]
6Robert van der Geest [12]
7Lars Gundersen [11]
8Johan Hasselberg [11]
9Brad Hoffman [11]
10Holger Hofmann [12]
11Martin Höst [7] [9]
12Edgar Jellum [12]
13Enrico Johansson [3] [7] [9]
14Magne Jørgensen [5] [10]
15Zbigniew Korendo [11] [12]
16Robert Martinez [12]
17A. Norén [9]
18Thomas Olsson [6]
19Michal Orkisz [12]
20Björn Regnell [3]
21Per Runeson [1] [2] [6]
22Bruno Schilli [11]
23Anders Wesslén [7]
24Claes Wohlin [4] [8]
25Christian Zeidler [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)