
Stephan Brandt

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16EEStephan Brandt, Jozef Miskuf, Dieter Rautenbach: On a conjecture about edge irregular total labelings. Journal of Graph Theory 57(4): 333-343 (2008)
15EEStephan Brandt, Hajo Broersma, Reinhard Diestel, Matthias Kriesell: Global Connectivity And Expansion: Long Cycles and Factors In f-Connected Graphs. Combinatorica 26(1): 17-36 (2006)
14EEStephan Brandt, Mariusz Wozniak: On Cyclic Packing of a Tree. Graphs and Combinatorics 20(4): 435-442 (2004)
13EEJørgen Bang-Jensen, Stephan Brandt: Subgraphs in vertex neighborhoods of Kr-free graphs. Journal of Graph Theory 47(1): 29-38 (2004)
12EEStephan Brandt: Note. Combinatorica 23(4): 693-696 (2003)
11 Stephan Brandt: Triangle-free graphs and forbidden subgraphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 120(1-3): 25-33 (2002)
10EEStephan Brandt: A 4-colour problem for dense triangle-free graphs. Discrete Mathematics 251(1-3): 33-46 (2002)
9EEStephan Brandt: 9-Connected Claw-Free Graphs Are Hamilton-Connected. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 75(2): 167-173 (1999)
8EEDenise Amar, Stephan Brandt, Daniel Brito, Oscar Ordaz: Neighborhood conditions for balanced independent sets in bipartite graphs. Discrete Mathematics 181(1-3): 31-36 (1998)
7EEStephan Brandt: The local density of triangle-free graphs. Discrete Mathematics 183(1-3): 17-25 (1998)
6EEStephan Brandt, Gunnar Brinkmann, Thomas Harmuth: All Ramsey Numbers $r(K_3, G)$ For Connected Graphs of Order 9. Electr. J. Comb. 5: (1998)
5EEStephan Brandt, Tomaz Pisanski: Another Infinite Sequence of Dense Triangle-Free Graphs. Electr. J. Comb. 5: (1998)
4 Stephan Brandt: Computing the Independence Number of Dense Triangle-Free Graphs. WG 1997: 100-108
3EEStephan Brandt: A Sufficient Condition for All Short Cycles. Discrete Applied Mathematics 79(1-3): 63-66 (1997)
2EEStephan Brandt: An Extremal Result for Subgraphs with Few Edges. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 64(2): 288-299 (1995)
1EEStephan Brandt: Subtrees and Subforests of Graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 61(1): 63-70 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Denise Amar [8]
2Jørgen Bang-Jensen [13]
3Gunnar Brinkmann [6]
4Daniel Brito [8]
5Hajo Broersma (H. J. Broersma) [15]
6Reinhard Diestel [15]
7Thomas Harmuth [6]
8Matthias Kriesell [15]
9Jozef Miskuf [16]
10Oscar Ordaz [8]
11Tomaz Pisanski [5]
12Dieter Rautenbach [16]
13Mariusz Wozniak [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)