
Thomas F. Brady

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5EEThomas F. Brady: Modeling the Indiana coal rail transportation infrastructure. Winter Simulation Conference 2007: 2367
4EEThomas F. Brady, Edward Yellig: Simulation data mining: a new form of computer simulation output. Winter Simulation Conference 2005: 285-289
3EEThomas F. Brady: Public health: emergency management: capability analysis of critical incident response. Winter Simulation Conference 2003: 1863-1867
2EEThomas F. Brady: Energy production and trading: using computer simulation to mitigate risk in electricity generation/consumption collaboration policies. Winter Simulation Conference 2002: 1575-1577
1EEThomas F. Brady: Analysis of manufacturing systems: computer simulation analysis of electricity rationing effects on steel mill rolling operations. Winter Simulation Conference 2001: 946-948

Coauthor Index

1Edward Yellig [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)