
Carl Bracken

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14EECarl Bracken, Gregor Leander: A Highly Nonlinear Differentially 4 Uniform Power Mapping That Permutes Fields of Even Degree CoRR abs/0901.1824: (2009)
13EECarl Bracken, Tor Helleseth: Triple-Error-Correcting BCH-Like Codes CoRR abs/0901.1827: (2009)
12EECarl Bracken: New Families of Triple Error Correcting Codes with BCH Parameters CoRR abs/0803.3553: (2008)
11EECarl Bracken, Eimear Byrne, Nadya Markin, Gary McGuire: Fourier Spectra of Binomial APN Functions CoRR abs/0803.3781: (2008)
10EECarl Bracken: Pseudo Quasi-3 Designs and their Applications to Coding Theory CoRR abs/0804.1740: (2008)
9EECarl Bracken, Eimear Byrne, Nadya Markin, Gary McGuire: A Few More Quadratic APN Functions CoRR abs/0804.4799: (2008)
8EECarl Bracken, Zhengbang Zha: On the Fourier Spectra of the Infinite Families of Quadratic APN Functions CoRR abs/0811.4718: (2008)
7EECarl Bracken, Eimear Byrne, Nadya Markin, Gary McGuire: Determining the Nonlinearity of a New Family of APN Functions. AAECC 2007: 72-79
6EECarl Bracken, Eimear Byrne, Nadya Markin, Gary McGuire: On the Walsh Spectrum of a New APN Function. IMA Int. Conf. 2007: 92-98
5EECarl Bracken, Gary McGuire: Duals of quasi-3 designs are not necessarily quasi-3. Des. Codes Cryptography 44(1-3): 157-167 (2007)
4EECarl Bracken, Gary McGuire, Harold N. Ward: New quasi-symmetric designs constructed using mutually orthogonal Latin squares and Hadamard matrices. Des. Codes Cryptography 41(2): 195-198 (2006)
3EECarl Bracken: New classes of self-complementary codes and quasi-symmetric designs. Des. Codes Cryptography 41(3): 319-323 (2006)
2EECarl Bracken, Gary McGuire: Characterization of SDP Designs That Yield Certain Spin Models. Des. Codes Cryptography 36(1): 45-52 (2005)
1EECarl Bracken, Gary McGuire: On quasi-3 designs and spin models. Discrete Mathematics 294(1-2): 21-24 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Eimear Byrne [6] [7] [9] [11]
2Tor Helleseth [13]
3Gregor Leander [14]
4Nadya Markin [6] [7] [9] [11]
5Gary McGuire [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [11]
6Harold N. Ward [4]
7Zhengbang Zha [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)