
François Brémond

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20EEShobhit Saxena, François Brémond, Monique Thonnat, Ruihua Ma: Crowd Behavior Recognition for Video Surveillance. ACIVS 2008: 970-981
19 Jose Luis Patino, Etienne Corvee, François Brémond, Monique Thonnat: Data mining for activity extraction in video data. EGC 2008: 433-444
18EEThi-Lan Le, Monique Thonnat, Alain Boucher, François Brémond: A Query Language Combining Object Features and Semantic Events for Surveillance Video Retrieval. MMM 2008: 307-317
17EEFlorent Fusier, Valéry Valentin, François Brémond, Monique Thonnat, Mark Borg, David Thirde, James M. Ferryman: Video understanding for complex activity recognition. Mach. Vis. Appl. 18(3-4): 167-188 (2007)
16EEBenoît Georis, François Brémond, Monique Thonnat: Real-time control of video surveillance systems with program supervision techniques. Mach. Vis. Appl. 18(3-4): 189-205 (2007)
15EEAlexander Toshev, François Brémond, Monique Thonnat: An APRIORI-based Method for Frequent Composite Event Discovery in Videos. ICVS 2006: 10
14EEDavid Thirde, Mark Borg, James M. Ferryman, Florent Fusier, Valéry Valentin, François Brémond, Monique Thonnat: A Real-Time Scene Understanding System for Airport Apron Monitoring. ICVS 2006: 26
13EEBenoît Georis, Magale Maziere, François Brémond: Evaluation and Knowledge Representation Formalisms to Improve Video Understanding. ICVS 2006: 27
12EEBernard Boulay, François Brémond, Monique Thonnat: Applying 3D human model in a posture recognition system. Pattern Recognition Letters 27(15): 1788-1796 (2006)
11EEJames M. Ferryman, Mark Borg, David Thirde, Florent Fusier, Valéry Valentin, François Brémond, Monique Thonnat, Josep Aguilera, Martin Kampel: Automated Scene Understanding for Airport Aprons. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2005: 593-603
10EESomboon Hongeng, Ramakant Nevatia, François Brémond: Video-based event recognition: activity representation and probabilistic recognition methods. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 96(2): 129-162 (2004)
9EEVan-Thinh Vu, François Brémond, Monique Thonnat: Automatic Video Interpretation: A Recognition Algorithm for Temporal Scenarios Based on Pre-compiled Scenario Models. ICVS 2003: 523-533
8EENicolas Moënne-Loccoz, François Brémond, Monique Thonnat: Recurrent Bayesian Network for the Recognition of Human Behaviors from Video. ICVS 2003: 68-77
7 Van-Thinh Vu, François Brémond, Monique Thonnat: Automatic Video Interpretation: A Novel Algorithm for Temporal Scenario Recognition. IJCAI 2003: 1295-1302
6EEFrédéric Cupillard, François Brémond, Monique Thonnat: Group Behavior Recognition With Multiple Cameras. WACV 2002: 177-183
5EEVan-Thinh Vu, François Brémond, Monique Thonnat: Human Behaviour Visualisation and Simulation for Automatic Video Understanding. WSCG 2002: 485-492
4EEGérard G. Medioni, Isaac Cohen, François Brémond, Somboon Hongeng, Ramakant Nevatia: Event Detection and Analysis from Video Streams. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 23(8): 873-889 (2001)
3EESomboon Hongeng, François Brémond, Ramakant Nevatia: Representation and Optimal Recognition of Human Activities. CVPR 2000: 1818-1825
2EESomboon Hongeng, François Brémond, Ramakant Nevatia: Bayesian Framework for Video Surveillance Application. ICPR 2000: 1164-1170
1EEFrançois Brémond, Monique Thonnat: Issues of representing context illustrated by video-surveillance applications. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 48(3): 375-391 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Josep Aguilera [11]
2Mark Borg [11] [14] [17]
3Alain Boucher [18]
4Bernard Boulay [12]
5Isaac Cohen [4]
6Etienne Corvee [19]
7Frédéric Cupillard [6]
8James M. Ferryman [11] [14] [17]
9Florent Fusier [11] [14] [17]
10Benoît Georis [13] [16]
11Somboon Hongeng [2] [3] [4] [10]
12Martin Kampel [11]
13Thi-Lan Le [18]
14Ruihua Ma [20]
15Magale Maziere [13]
16Gérard G. Medioni [4]
17Nicolas Moënne-Loccoz [8]
18Ramakant Nevatia (Ram Nevatia) [2] [3] [4] [10]
19Jose Luis Patino [19]
20Shobhit Saxena [20]
21David Thirde [11] [14] [17]
22Monique Thonnat [1] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [12] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]
23Alexander Toshev [15]
24Valéry Valentin [11] [14] [17]
25Van-Thinh Vu [5] [7] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)