2006 |
11 | EE | Roger Z. Ríos-Mercado,
Seongbae Kim,
E. Andrew Boyd:
Efficient operation of natural gas transmission systems: A network-based heuristic for cyclic structures.
Computers & OR 33: 2323-2351 (2006) |
2004 |
10 | EE | Vincent Chi-Wei Li,
Guy L. Curry,
E. Andrew Boyd:
Towards the real time solution of strike force asset allocation problems.
Computers & OR 31(2): 273-291 (2004) |
2002 |
9 | EE | Roger Z. Ríos-Mercado,
Suming Wu,
L. Ridgway Scott,
E. Andrew Boyd:
A Reduction Technique for Natural Gas Transmission Network Optimization Problems.
Annals OR 117(1-4): 217-234 (2002) |
1998 |
8 | | Robert E. Bixby,
E. Andrew Boyd,
Roger Z. Ríos-Mercado:
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, 6th International IPCO Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, June 22-24, 1998, Proceedings
Springer 1998 |
7 | | Xiao-Qing Yan,
E. Andrew Boyd:
Cutting planes for mixed-integer knapsack polyhedra.
Math. Program. 81: 257-262 (1998) |
1996 |
6 | EE | E. Andrew Boyd:
On the Complexity of a Cutting Plane Algorithm for Solving Combinatorial Linear Programs.
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 9(3): 365-376 (1996) |
1995 |
5 | | E. Andrew Boyd:
Resolving degeneracy in combinatorial linear programs: steepest edge, steepest ascent, and parametric ascent.
Math. Program. 68: 155-168 (1995) |
1993 |
4 | | E. Andrew Boyd:
Solving integer programs with Fenchel cutting planes and preprocessing.
IPCO 1993: 209-220 |
3 | EE | E. Andrew Boyd:
Polyhedral Results for the Precedence-Constrained Knapsack Problem.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 41(3): 185-201 (1993) |
1990 |
2 | | E. Andrew Boyd:
Polyhedral Results for the Precedence-Constrained Knapsack Problem.
IPCO 1990: 85-100 |
1 | EE | E. Andrew Boyd,
Ulrich Faigle:
An algorithmic characterization of antimatroids.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 28(3): 197-205 (1990) |