
Bert R. Boyce

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67EEBert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 56(1): 1-2 (2005)
66EEBert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 56(10): 1013-1014 (2005)
65EEBert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 56(2): 109-110 (2005)
64EEBert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 56(4): 325-326 (2005)
63EEBert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 56(6): 557-558 (2005)
62EEBert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 56(7): 661-663 (2005)
61EEBert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 56(8): 777-778 (2005)
60EEBert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 56(9): 891-892 (2005)
59EEBert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 55(1): 1-2 (2004)
58EEBert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 55(10): 845 (2004)
57EEBert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 55(11): 937-938 (2004)
56EEBert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 55(13): 1117-1118 (2004)
55EEBert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 55(2): 95-96 (2004)
54EEBert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 55(3): 187-188 (2004)
53EEBert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 55(4): 281-282 (2004)
52EEBert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 55(5): 375-376 (2004)
51EEBert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 55(6): 469-470 (2004)
50EEBert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 55(7): 563-564 (2004)
49EEBert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 54(10): 911-912 (2003)
48EEBert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 54(11): 987-988 (2003)
47EEBert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 54(12): 1079-1080 (2003)
46EEBert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 54(13): 1173-1174 (2003)
45EEBert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 54(14): 1267-1268 (2003)
44EEBert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 54(8): 704-705 (2003)
43EEBert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 54(9): 808-809 (2003)
42 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 53(1): 1-2 (2002)
41 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 53(10): 781 (2002)
40 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 53(11): 877-878 (2002)
39EEBert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 53(12): 973 (2002)
38 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 53(3): 197 (2002)
37 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 53(4): 255-256 (2002)
36 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 53(5): 325-326 (2002)
35 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 53(7): 529-530 (2002)
34 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 53(8): 615-616 (2002)
33 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 53(9): 693-694 (2002)
32 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 52(10): 783 (2001)
31 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 52(11): 877 (2001)
30 Bert R. Boyce: In this Issue. JASIST 52(12): 987-988 (2001)
29 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 52(13): 1087-1088 (2001)
28 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 52(13): 1195-1196 (2001)
27 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 52(2): 85-86 (2001)
26 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 52(3): 185-186 (2001)
25 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 52(4): 281-282 (2001)
24 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 52(5): 369-370 (2001)
23 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 52(6): 443-444 (2001)
22 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 52(7): 515-516 (2001)
21 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 52(8): 605-606 (2001)
20 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIST 52(9): 699-700 (2001)
19 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIS 51(10): 885-886 (2000)
18 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIS 51(11): 969-970 (2000)
17 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIS 51(12): 1067-1068 (2000)
16 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIS 51(13): 1157-1158 (2000)
15 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIS 51(14): 1251 (2000)
14 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIS 51(5): 415-416 (2000)
13 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIS 51(6): 497 (2000)
12 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIS 51(7): 585-586 (2000)
11 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIS 51(8): 689-690 (2000)
10 Bert R. Boyce: In this issue. JASIS 51(9): 791-792 (2000)
9 Bert R. Boyce: Miranda Hsu-Yuang Pao. JASIS 46(10): 723 (1995)
8EEJudith I. Boyce, Bert R. Boyce: Library Outreach Programs in Rural Areas. Library Trends 44(1): (1995)
7 Bert R. Boyce: Indexing: the state of our knowledge and the state of our ignorance: Proceedings of the 20th annual meeting of the American society of indexers. JASIS 42(10): 757 (1991)
6 Bert R. Boyce: Thesauri used in online databases, an analytic guide. JASIS 41(1): 71 (1990)
5 Bert R. Boyce: Concepts of information retrieval and automatic text processing: The transformation analysis, and retrieval of information by computer. JASIS 41(2): 150-151 (1990)
4 Bert R. Boyce, John P. McLain: Entry point depth and online search using a controlled vocabulary. JASIS 40(4): 273-276 (1989)
3EEDanny P. Wallace, Bert R. Boyce, Donald H. Kraft: Estimating effective display size in online retrieval systems. Inf. Process. Manage. 24(3): 331-337 (1988)
2EEDanny P. Wallace, Bert R. Boyce, Donald H. Kraft: Estimating Effective Display Size in Online Retrieval Systems. SIGIR 1987: 234-245
1EEBert R. Boyce: Beyond topicality : A two stage view of relevance and the retrieval process. Inf. Process. Manage. 18(3): 105-109 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1Judith I. Boyce [8]
2Donald H. Kraft [2] [3]
3John P. McLain [4]
4Danny P. Wallace [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)