
Vijay Boyapati

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3EEVijay Boyapati: Improving hierarchical text classification using unlabeled data. SIGIR 2002: 363-364
2EEVijay Boyapati, Kristie Chevrier, Avi Finkel, Natalie S. Glance, Tom Pierce, Robert Stockton, Chip Whitmer: ChangeDetector[tm]: a site-level monitoring tool for the WWW. WWW 2002: 570-579
1 Vijay Boyapati, Rajeev Goré: KtSeqC: System Description. TABLEAUX 1999: 29-31

Coauthor Index

1Kristie Chevrier [2]
2Avi Finkel [2]
3Natalie S. Glance [2]
4Rajeev Goré [1]
5Tom Pierce [2]
6Robert Stockton [2]
7Chip Whitmer [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)