
C. Mic Bowman

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5EEMichael Rabinovich, C. Mic Bowman, Hector Garcia-Molina, Alon Y. Levy, Susan Malaika, Alberto O. Mendelzon: WWW and the Internet - Did We Miss the Boat? (Panel). ICDE 1998: 74
4 Chanda Dharap, C. Mic Bowman: Typed Structured Documents for Information Retrieval. PODP 1996: 135-151
3EEC. Mic Bowman, Peter B. Danzig, Darren R. Hardy, Udi Manber, Michael F. Schwartz: The Harvest Information Discovery and Access System. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 28(1&2): 119-125 (1995)
2 C. Mic Bowman, Peter B. Danzig, Udi Manber, Michael F. Schwartz: Scalable Internet Discovery: Research Problems and Approaches. Commun. ACM 37(8): 98-107 (1994)
1 C. Mic Bowman, Chanda Dharap: The Enterprise Distributed White-pages Service. USENIX Winter 1993: 349-360

Coauthor Index

1Peter B. Danzig [2] [3]
2Chanda Dharap [1] [4]
3Hector Garcia-Molina [5]
4Alon Y. Halevy (Alon Y. Levy) [5]
5Darren R. Hardy [3]
6Susan Malaika [5]
7Udi Manber [2] [3]
8Alberto O. Mendelzon [5]
9Michael Rabinovich [5]
10Michael F. Schwartz [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)