2008 |
29 | EE | Lydie du Bousquet,
Muhammad Rabee Shaheen:
Relation between Depth of Inheritance Tree and Number of Methods to Test.
ICST 2008: 161-170 |
28 | EE | Lydie du Bousquet,
Michel Delaunay:
Towards Mutation Analysis for Lustre Programs.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 203(4): 35-48 (2008) |
2007 |
27 | | Lydie du Bousquet,
Jean-Luc Richier:
Feature Interactions in Software and Communication Systems IX, International Co nference on Feature Interactions in Software and Communication Systems, ICFI 2007, 3-5 September 2007, Grenoble, France
IOS Press 2007 |
26 | EE | Yves Ledru,
Frédéric Dadeau,
Lydie du Bousquet,
Sébastien Ville,
Elodie Rose:
Mastering combinatorial explosion with the tobias-2 test generator.
ASE 2007: 535-536 |
25 | EE | Ben Yan,
Masahide Nakamura,
Lydie du Bousquet,
Ken-ichi Matsumoto:
Characterizing Safety of Integrated Services in Home Network System.
ICOST 2007: 130-140 |
24 | EE | Lydie du Bousquet,
Michel Delaunay:
Using mutation analysis to evaluate test generation strategies in a synchronous context.
ICSEA 2007: 40 |
23 | | Lydie du Bousquet,
Masahide Nakamura,
Ben Yan,
Hiroshi Igaki:
Using Formal Methods to increase confidence in one Home Network System implementation: Case study.
ISoLA 2007: 203-214 |
22 | EE | Frédéric Dadeau,
Yves Ledru,
Lydie du Bousquet:
Measuring a Java Test Suite Coverage Using JML Specifications.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 190(2): 21-32 (2007) |
21 | EE | Yves Ledru,
Lydie du Bousquet,
Frédéric Dadeau,
F. Allouti:
A Case Study in Matching Test and Proof Coverage.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 190(2): 73-84 (2007) |
2006 |
20 | EE | Yves Ledru,
Lydie du Bousquet:
Tobias-Z: An executable formal specification of a test generator.
ASE 2006: 353-354 |
19 | EE | Lydie du Bousquet:
Evaluating Behavior Correctness of Synchronous Systems through Time to Service Distribution Analysis: Tools Required.
ICSEA 2006: 18 |
2005 |
18 | EE | Sophie Dupuy-Chessa,
Lydie du Bousquet,
Jullien Bouchet,
Yves Ledru:
Test of the ICARE Platform Fusion Mechanism.
DSV-IS 2005: 102-113 |
17 | EE | Gavin J. Doherty,
Lydie du Bousquet,
José Creissac Campos,
El Mustapha El Atifi,
Gilles Falquet,
Mieke Massink,
Carmen Santoro:
Ambience and Mobility.
DSV-IS 2005: 264 |
16 | | Lydie du Bousquet,
Olivier Gaudoin:
Telephony Feature Validation against Eventuality Properties and Interaction Detection based on a Statistical Analysis of the Time to Service.
FIW 2005: 78-95 |
2004 |
15 | EE | Lydie du Bousquet,
Yves Ledru,
Olivier Maury,
Catherine Oriat,
Jean-Louis Lanet:
Case Study in JML-Based Software Validation.
ASE 2004: 294-297 |
14 | EE | Yves Ledru,
Lydie du Bousquet,
Olivier Maury,
Pierre Bontron:
Filtering TOBIAS Combinatorial Test Suites.
FASE 2004: 281-294 |
13 | EE | Lydie du Bousquet,
Farid Ouabdesselam,
Jean-Luc Richier,
Nicolas Zuanon:
Testing Against Some Eventuality Properties of Synchronous Software: A Case Study.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 88: 105-121 (2004) |
2001 |
12 | EE | Yves Ledru,
Lydie du Bousquet,
Pierre Bontron,
Olivier Maury,
Catherine Oriat,
Marie-Laure Potet:
Test Purposes: Adapting the Notion of Specification to Testing.
ASE 2001: 127-134 |
11 | EE | Sophie Dupuy-Chessa,
Lydie du Bousquet:
Validation of UML Models Thanks to Z and Lustre.
FME 2001: 242-258 |
10 | | Lydie du Bousquet,
Hugues Martin,
Jean-Marc Jézéquel:
Conformance Testing from UML Specifications. Experience Report.
pUML 2001: 43-55 |
2000 |
9 | EE | Vlad Rusu,
Lydie du Bousquet,
Thierry Jéron:
An Approach to Symbolic Test Generation.
IFM 2000: 338-357 |
8 | EE | Hugues Martin,
Lydie du Bousquet:
Automatic Test Generation for Java-Card Applets.
Java Card Workshop 2000: 121-136 |
7 | | Lydie du Bousquet,
Solofo Ramangalahy,
Séverine Simon,
César Viho,
Axel Belinfante,
René G. de Vries:
Formal Test Automation: The Conference Protocol with TGV/TORX.
TestCom 2000: 221-228 |
6 | EE | Lydie du Bousquet,
Farid Ouabdesselam,
Jean-Luc Richier,
Nicolas Zuanon:
Feature interaction detection using a synchronous approach and testing.
Computer Networks 32(4): 419-431 (2000) |
5 | EE | Sophie Dupuy,
Lydie du Bousquet:
A Multi-formalism Approach for the Validation of UML Models.
Formal Asp. Comput. 12(4): 228-230 (2000) |
1999 |
4 | EE | Lydie du Bousquet,
Nicolas Zuanon:
An Overview of Lutess: A Specification-based Tool for Testing Synchronous Software.
ASE 1999: 208-215 |
3 | EE | Lydie du Bousquet,
Farid Ouabdesselam,
Jean-Luc Richier,
Nicolas Zuanon:
Lutess: A Specification-Driven Testing Environment for Synchronous Software.
ICSE 1999: 267-276 |
2 | EE | Lydie du Bousquet:
Feature Interaction Detection Using Testing and Model-Checking Experience Report.
World Congress on Formal Methods 1999: 622-641 |
1998 |
1 | | Lydie du Bousquet,
Farid Ouabdesselam,
Jean-Luc Richier,
Nicolas Zuanon:
Incremental Feature Validation: a Synchronous Point of View.
FIW 1998: 262-275 |