
Faouzi Bouslama

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6EEHafedh Chourabi, Faouzi Bouslama, Sehl Mellouli: BPMapping and UMM in business process modeling for e-government processes. DG.O 2008: 282-289
5EENajoua Essoukri Ben Amara, Faouzi Bouslama: Classification of Arabic script using multiple sources of information: State of the art and perspectives. IJDAR 5(4): 195-212 (2003)
4 Faouzi Bouslama: Neural Networks in the Recognition of Maching Printed Arabic Characters. IJPRAI 13(3): 395-414 (1999)
3 Faouzi Bouslama: Structural and Fuzzy Techniques in the Recognition of Online Arabic Characters. IJPRAI 13(7): 1027-1040 (1999)
2EEFaouzi Bouslama, A. Amin: Pen-based recognition system of Arabic character utilizing structural and fuzzy techniques. KES (3) 1998: 76-85
1EEFaouzi Bouslama, Akira Ichikawa: Application of neural networks to fuzzy control. Neural Networks 6(6): 791-799 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Najoua Essoukri Ben Amara [5]
2A. Amin [2]
3Hafedh Chourabi [6]
4Akira Ichikawa [1]
5Sehl Mellouli [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)